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chem. noyau
industr. construct. met. rond de cueillage; cercle de cueillage; nacelle
mech.eng. oeil
med. bague d'orthodontie; anneau d'orthodontie
met. contrôle au son
patents. cartel; entente
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arts. index
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chem. oxyde nitrique synthétase
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noun | verb | to phrases
ring [rɪŋ] n
gen. coup de sonnette (of the bell)
athlet. cercle de lancement en métal
box. ring m
chem. noyau m; cycle m; trait m (petite quantité); charge f; trame f; virole f
construct. cadre m; bâti m; encadrement m; ring de boxe
forestr. roulure f
industr., construct., met. rond de cueillage; cercle de cueillage; nacelle f
mech.eng. oeil m
med. bague d'orthodontie; anneau d'orthodontie
met. contrôle au son; anneau de soutènement
pack. bague pour boîtes à sou; bague de couvercle
paleont. anneau axial
patents. cartel m; entente f
shoot. sonner m
skiing disque de bâton; rondelle de bâton
sport, bask. fer du panier
telecom. appeler m; téléphoner
transp., nautic. cigale f
weightlift. plateau m
ring В [rɪŋ] n
astr. anneau médian; anneau B
ring... n
astr. annulaire m
ring [rɪŋ] v
gen. croisure
agric. baguer
commer. bélière
commun., IT anneau physique; anneau réel
comp., MS sonnerie (A sound, vibration, visual clue, or any other indication that a call is coming in); faire sonner, sonnerie (To create a sound, vibration, visual cue, or any other indication that the user has an incoming call)
comp., MS, Canada sonner (To create a sound, vibration, visual cue, or any other indication that the user has an incoming call)
el. fil de nuque
fin. corbeille
food.ind. rondelle; rouelle
industr., construct. anneau de filature
IT couronne
mech.eng. nuque; anneau; bague; oeillet
med. rouleau
tech., met. anneau de cueillage; cerce
transp. frette; segment
transp., construct. cercle
transp., mech.eng. bague étroite; couple
transp., nautic. organeau de l'ancre
rings jewellery, jewelry v
gen. anneaux bijouterie; bagues bijouterie
rung [rʌŋ] v
construct. échelon
rings v
hobby, met. anneaux
rung [rʌŋ] v
transp. hippodrome
to ring [rɪŋ] v
anim.husb. baguer
ring of an electric bulb [rɪŋ] v
transp. collerette d'une ampoule électrique
 English thesaurus
ring [rɪŋ] abbr.
abbr., oil rg
RING [rɪŋ] abbr.
abbr., biotechn. "really interesting new gene" (Altuntash)
abbr., med. Really Interesting New Gene
Ring [rɪŋ] n
telecom., abbr. R
Ring Index
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects