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PV abbr.
comp., MS écart sur prix de production (The difference between the cost price and the actual production price. The production variance is determined when the production order is calculated)
 English thesaurus
PV abbr.
abbr., adv. potential viewer
abbr., auto. penetrometer viscosity; partial vacuum; photovoltaic cell
abbr., avia. process validation
abbr., el. parameter value; path verification; peak-to-valley (value); persistence of vision; personal video; photovoltage; protocol version; PWM value
abbr., expl. pressure-volume
abbr., med. parainfluenza virus; paraventricular; peripheral vascular; polyoma-virus; postvasectomy
abbr., mil., avia. payload vehicle
pv abbr.
abbr. convection current; paravane
Pv abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. perovskite
Pv. abbr.
abbr. pipe-ventilated
PV abbr.
abbr. Paradise Valley; Present Value; Puerto Vallarta; photovoltaic (Alexander Matytsin); Parole Violator; Passenger Vehicle; Peasant Village; Performance And Value; Peripheral Vision; Perspective View; Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology, A. G.; Phaseolus Vulgaris; Physical Volume (LVM, HDD); Pine Valley; plan view; Planet Vampire; Potomac Valley; pressure vessel; Principle Value; Probation or Parole Violation; Production Validation; Production Value; promotional video (ABelonogov); Pulsed Vertical; Pursued Vehicle
abbr., account. present value
abbr., anat. popliteal vein (igisheva); portal vein (воротная вена doc090)
abbr., auto. passenger vehicle (pantyoly)
abbr., avia. pack valve; part version; priority valve; purge valve
abbr., avia., med. phonation volume; plasma volume
abbr., biol. papilloma virus
abbr., busin. per value
abbr., chem. Peroxide Value (перекисное число Aqua vitae); peroxide value; Polenske value
abbr., chem., scient. Pressure Volume
abbr., commer. payable a vue
abbr., comp., net. physical volume; page view
abbr., corp.gov. payment voucher
abbr., earth.sc. peripheral valley; plane view; position value; pseudovector
abbr., el., scient. Photo Voltaic
abbr., file.ext. Analysis data (Phase Vocorder)
abbr., genet. phenotypic variance
abbr., gynecol. per vaginam (Баян); per vaginum (Обычно так и пишется: осмотр PV ( http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=4&MessNum=259141&l1=1&l2=3) Horacio_O)
abbr., insur. Pilot vessel
abbr., meteorol. Papillomavirus; Paramyxovirus; Parapoxvirus; Parvovirus; Picornavirus; Pneumonia Virus; Poliovirus; Polyoma Virus; Poxvirus; pemphigus vulgaris (ННатальЯ); (doc090)
abbr., mil. Production Verification; prime vendor
abbr., mil., WMD Process variable
abbr., mining. plain view
abbr., nautic., scient. Potential Vorticity
abbr., O&G, oilfield. Production Vessel (Yakov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. plastic viscosity; pressure control valve
abbr., O&G, sakh. pore volume (product of porosity, height, and area of a reservoir)
abbr., oil pore volume; vuggy porosity; par value; peak voltage; petroleum vapor; plug valve; positive volume; pressurization valve; pump vertical
abbr., pharma. pharmacovigilance (Elmitera)
abbr., physiol., med. Polycythemia Vera
abbr., polym. pigment volume; pressure viscosimeter; pressure x velocity (при определении коэффициента трения Karabas)
abbr., scottish Patrol Vessel; Photovoltaic; Positive Vetting (UK)
abbr., semicond. photo-voltaic
abbr., space planetary vehicle; pressure/volume (pressure x volume); prohibited volume
abbr., sport. Point Value
abbr., st.exch. Principal Value
abbr., stat. vessel productivity
abbr., tech. primary variable (Метран)
abbr., textile plus value; polyvinyl
abbr., UN provisional verbatim record (vladibuddy)
econ. Planned Value
energ.ind. photovoltaics; precipitation velocity; process variables; pulsing voltage
IT, abbr. Photovoltaic (Space)
mil. physical vulnerability; positive vetting; prevailing visibility; product verification; professional volunteer
O&G current phase step name; instantaneous flow rate
physiol. Paravertebral
railw. private car
tech. phase velocity; phase vocoder; phonon velocity; piezoelectric vibrator; pipe ventilated; piping and valves; pit volume; planar varactor; plasma velocity; pressure valve; pressure-velocity; propagation vector; pump voltage
pv abbr.
O&G vapor pressure
opt. peak-to-valley
Pv abbr.
energ.ind. velocity pressure
tech. pressure at constant volume
PV: 10 phrases in 3 subjects
Energy industry4