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PMT | material
work.fl. "matériel"
construct. constituant
environ. matériau
ling. matériel
met. matière première; matière travaillée; matière à usiner
patents. matière
pharma. environ. matériau

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 English thesaurus
PMT abbr.
abbr. Personal Motivating Time; Pre Marital Therapy; Pre Millennium Tension; permit; PhotoMultiplier Tube; page map table; pressure-meter test; photomultiplier
abbr., avia. periodic maintenance team; program management team
abbr., avia., med. psychomotor task
abbr., busin. per metric ton; Predetermined Motion Time; promote
abbr., comp. physical master tape
abbr., comp., net. packet-mode terminal
abbr., comp., net., IT Peering Mapping Table
abbr., construct. pressure meter test (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. permanent-magnet tester; post glacial marine transgression
abbr., econ. predetermined motion times
abbr., el. page mapping table; personal mobile telecommunications; phase modulated transmission; photon multiplier tube; Plasma and Materials Technologies, Inc.; power module transistor; precision measurement technique; process management technology; program master tape; probable maximum tsunami
abbr., el., scient. Photo- Multiplier Tube
abbr., GOST. petroleum measurement table (igisheva)
abbr., IT Page Management Table; Photomultiplier Tube; Program Map Table; program map table
abbr., law, ADR Purchasing Management Team (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., med. Perforated Membrane Technology; photomultiplier tubes (harser)
abbr., met. peak metal temperature
abbr., mil. Project Management Team
abbr., mil., avia. permit
abbr., nucl.phys. multiplier phototube
abbr., oil -methoxyl toluene; pipeline machine tool; poly-3-methylthiophene; polymer melting temperature
abbr., opt. photomultiplier tube
abbr., pharm. pyrrolidinomethyltetracycline
abbr., phys., scient. Photo Multiplier Tube
abbr., physiol., med. Pre Menstrual Tension
abbr., progr. Program Map Table (ssn)
abbr., radio pulse modulator tube
abbr., semicond. passivated mesa transistor
abbr., st.exch. PUTNAM Master Income Trust
abbr., transp. Passenger - Miles Traveled; Person - Miles of Travel
comp., IT Photomechanical Transfer
invest. postmarket trading; premarket trading
mil. parachute medical team; personnel management team; preventive maintenance time; production monitoring test; programs, materials, techniques
polygr. Photochemical Transfer
tech. permanent magnet tester; post-maintenance testing
pmt abbr.
abbr. payment; premenstrual tension
insur. Prompt
Pmt. abbr.
abbr., econ. payment
PMT: 3 phrases in 1 subject