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OVI adj.
econ. indicateur objectivement vérifiable
ovi... abbr.
med. ovi...
 English thesaurus
OVI abbr.
abbr., el. overvoltage interruption
abbr., law abbr. for "Operating a Vehicle Impaired" (Val_Ships)
ovi abbr.
abbr., multimed. Nokia
OVI abbr.
abbr. over voltage interruption
abbr., chem., scient. Organic Volatile Impurities
abbr., earth.sc. oil vulnerability index
abbr., inet. Ohio Video Intranet
abbr., law Operating Vehicle while under the Influence; Out of Vehicle for Investigation
abbr., manag. Objective Verifiable Indicator (Andrey250780)
abbr., mil. Ohio Volunteer Infantry
abbr., mus. Opera del Vocabolario Italiano
abbr., polygr. optical variable inks (t_edelweis)
abbr., tradem. Open Verilog International; Osterreichischer Verband der Immobilientreuhander
law Operating vehicle while under the influence; out of vehicle for investigation
: 2 phrases in 1 subject