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NAT Australia [næt] abbr.
UN, geol. le Plateau naturaliste
 English thesaurus
NAT [næt] abbr.
abbr. National Air Transport; North Atlantic Treaty
abbr., avia. Natal, RN, Brazil; network address translation; North Atlantic Track; no action taken; North Atlantic traces
abbr., avia., amer. North Atlantic
abbr., boil. Nucleic Acid Test (iwona)
abbr., comp. Network Address Translation (соответствующего термина в русском нет, используют английское сокращение, как IP Сергей)
abbr., comp., net., IT Name Address Translation; Network and Telnet
abbr., el. network access table; network analysis theory; network attached table; nodes attached table
abbr., inet. Nocturnal Animal Thingy
abbr., IT Network Address Translation; network address translator (Bricker); Network address translation
abbr., med. National AIDS Trust; Nucleic Acid Testing
abbr., mil. Non- Air- Transportable; nonair-transportable (cargo)
abbr., mil., avia. natation
abbr., nautic., scient. North Atlantic Tour
abbr., physiol., med. Nutrition Analysis Tool
abbr., progr., IT National Application Transport
abbr., scottish Northern Airborne Technology Ltd (Canada)
abbr., st.exch. Nordic American Tanker Shipping Company
abbr., steam. nucleic acid amplification technology (технология амплификации нуклеиновых кислот ochernen)
abbr., transp. North Atlantic Region
energ.ind., abbr. nuclear air treatment
mil., abbr. naval air training; network analysis team
tech. navigational aids technician
tech., abbr. nuclear assembly test
nat [næt] abbr.
abbr. nation; native
abbr., dril. national; natural
abbr., el. natural unit
met. freq. natural frequency
Nat. n
law national
nat. abbr.
abbr. naturalized (Vosoni)
lat. natus (born Vosoni)
Nat [næt] n
energ.ind. sour
Nat. abbr.
abbr. Natal; native
abbr., earth.sc. natural
NAT [næt] abbr.
abbr., busin. nationality; nature; normally allowed time
abbr., comp., net. network assets tracking
abbr., earth.sc. nitric acid trihydrate
abbr., oil naval anthropomorphic teleoperator; new and amended titles index; non-aqueous titration; normal allowed time; nuclear activation technique
abbr., oncol. normal tissue adjacent to the tumor (прилегающая к опухоли нормальная ткань doc090)
abbr., psychol. negative automatic thought (Elmitera)
abbr., sport. nation
: 17 phrases in 4 subjects