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Memorandum of Understanding
 Memorandum of Understanding
UN tech. mémorandum d’accord
 memorandum of understanding
environ. déclaration d'intention; protocole d'accord
| on
comp. en marche
earth.sc. el. allumé; marche; ouvert
| the
fin. La Banque nationale suisse a huit succursales.De plus,vingt agences sont gérées par des banques cantonales.
| regional
tech. régional
| energy market
 energy markets
gen. marchés de l'énergie
| in
row. "en bateau!"
| South East
 South East
econ. Angleterre du Sud-Est
| Europe
econ. Europe
| and
gen. ainsi que
its | integration
tech. intégration
into | the European Community
 the European Community
gen. la Communauté européenne
| internal energy market
 Internal Energy Market
construct. energ.ind. marché intérieur de l'énergie

to phrases
memorandum of understanding
environ. déclaration d'intention; protocole d'accord
law protocole d'entente; mémorandum d'accord; mémorandum d'entente
Memorandum of Understanding
UN, tech. mémorandum d’accord
 English thesaurus
memorandum of understanding
abbr. mou
Memorandum Of Understanding
IT, abbr. MOU (IPOC, TLD, Internet)
Memorandum of Understanding: 72 phrases in 17 subjects
Energy industry3
Fish farming pisciculture1
Human rights activism1
International Monetary Fund2
Mineral products1
Name of organization3
Nuclear physics1
Research and development2
Textile industry1
United Nations2