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MLE abbr.
math. estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance
 English thesaurus
MLE abbr.
abbr. Mobile Logistics Element; MultiLine Entry field (IBM, OS/2)
abbr., avia. metal leading edge (bonly); missile launch envelop
abbr., cryptogr. message-locked encryption
abbr., ed. Mediated Learning Experience; managed learning environment (A MLE consists of a whole range of different software and systems that interrelate, share data and contribute to learning management tar)
abbr., el. maximum level error; maximum likelihood equation; medium local exchange; molecular layer epitaxy
abbr., file.ext. Multi-Line Editor
abbr., insur. maximum loss expectance
abbr., IT Metropolitan Line Extension; maximum likelihood estimate
abbr., law Male
abbr., media. Media Lab Europe
abbr., mil. maritime law enforcement; military liaison element
abbr., mil., avia. manned lunar exploration
abbr., multimed. mela language extension
abbr., O&G Motor Lead Extension (Mirzabaiev Maksym)
abbr., oil maximum likelihood estimation; memorized log left edge
abbr., qual.cont. maximum likelihood estimator
abbr., sec.sys., IT Multiple Line Encryption
abbr., space mesoscale lightning experiment
abbr., tradem. Manufacturing Logistics Engineering
airports, avia. Male, Maldives
mil. missile launch envelope; mobile launcher equipment
tech. microprocessor language editor
mle abbr.
abbr. maximum loss expectancy