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LT [,el'ti:] abbr.
fish.farm. bateau de pêche à la traîne
< abbr.
gen. "La Turquie, l'ancienne République yougoslave de Macédoine*, le Monténégro*, l'Islandesup+sup et la Serbie*, pays candidats, l'Albanie et la Bosnie-Herzégovine, pays du processus de stabilisation et d'association et candidats potentiels, et le Liechtenstein et la Norvège, pays de l'AELE membres de l'Espace économique européen, ainsi que l'Ukraine, la République de Moldavie, l'Arménie, l'Azerbaïdjan et la Géorgie se rallient à la présente déclaration.brbr* L'ancienne République yougoslave de Macédoine, le Monténégro et la Serbie continuent à participer au processus de stabilisation et d'association.brbrsup+ supL'Islande continue à être membre de l'AELE et de l'Espace économique européen."
environ., nat.res. conservation in situ
industr., construct. agnella
med. dispositif médical de diagnostic in vitro
min.prod. conservation ex situ
obs., med. dispositif destiné au diagnostic in vitro
 English thesaurus
LT [,el'ti:] abbr.
abbr. Leadership Team; Life Teen; Lithuanian; Local Time; Looney Tune; Lake Terminal Railroad Company; Lake Tomahawk; Landscape Technician; Lap Time; laundry tray; Lead Trainer; Legal Terms (http://www.justice.gov.uk/guidance/courts-and-tribunals/courts/glossary-of-terms---legal/ Alexander Demidov); Leroy Thompson; Leyland Transmission; Light And Tough; Light Table 2 Light; Light Touring; light trap; Link Trailer; Little Tash; Little Terror; Little Tony; Little Tracey; Logical Terminal (IBM); long term (Ася Кудрявцева); Losing Teeth; Luxury Tourer; Long Ton; Low Tension; Lower Tribunal (proz.com вк); leading telegraphist; lethal time; line transmitter; low target; leukotrience; Lisbon Treaty
abbr., adv. last telecast
abbr., agric. laryngotracheitis
abbr., AI. Logic Theorist
abbr., AmE Living Together (Anglophile)
abbr., auto. leading trailing shoe brake; light; light truck; long term; low hysteresis thread; low temperature; low tension; light-truck
abbr., avia. layout template; litre; level trigger; laser technique; laser telemeter; laser tracer; lathe tuning; leakage test; loading test; lot time; teleindicator
abbr., avia., med. laterotorsion; long-term
abbr., biol. labile to temperature
abbr., busin. landed terms; Laplace transformation; Letter of Trust; transportation
abbr., chem. leukotriene; lithium tantalate crystal
abbr., commer. long ton; Liverpool terms
abbr., comp., net. laptop
abbr., earth.sc. labrador trough; lag-time; lateritic terraces; local time-step; low-alumina tholeiite; lower tertiary rocks; lower torridonian; Lower Triassic Rocks; Turkish Lira
abbr., ed. Learning And Teaching
abbr., el. lower tester; laminated teflon; language translator; Laplace translation; laser trimming; lateral transistor; leading technology; library tape; light transmitter; light-triggered (SIT); line terminal; link transfer; link transmitter; lithium tantalate; local telephone; logic tree; loop test; loop transmission; low substrate temperature
abbr., el., scient. Lower Threshold
abbr., energ.ind. low-tension (Yuriy83)
abbr., exhib. long twin
abbr., insur. Tropical timber load line
abbr., IT Less Than; Line Termination; Load Test; line terminator; less then
abbr., law Learn The Truth
abbr., life.sc. leukotriene
abbr., Makarov. less than
abbr., med. leucotriene; Lantern Test - Shine A Torch In The Subject's Mouth And The Eyes Light Up (no Brain); level lower tertile (level); lymphocyte transfer reaction; lymphocyte transformation; tuberculoid leprosy; lag time (iwona)
abbr., med., lat. limes tod toxin
abbr., met. lead time (Киселев)
abbr., mil. Leadership Training; Leuitenant, United States Navy; Light; Long Term; Laptop; Line Telecommunications; Look-Through; local terminal
abbr., mil., air.def. lamp test
abbr., mil., avia. laboratory test
abbr., mol.biol. lymphotoxin (igisheva)
abbr., nautic. Liner Terms
abbr., O&G leak testing (carp)
abbr., O&G, casp. leadership team (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil lost or loose compacts or teeth; lost teeth (andrushin); lower tubing; light terminal; light wall (of pipe); line telephone; long interval timer; long tons; low tide; Lower Tertiary; lower Triassic; Lower Tuscaloosa; lug terminal
abbr., oil.proc. level transmitter (Alexey Lebedev)
abbr., ophtalm. laser trabeculoplasty (лазерная трабекулопластика doc090)
abbr., org.name. Lloyd Marittima S.P.A.
abbr., physiol. Left Tit
abbr., physiol., med. Lactate Threshold; Left
abbr., piez. LT; tantalate de lithium; Lithiumtantalat; tantalato di litio; tantalan litu
abbr., polit. Lithuania; Lesotho
abbr., polym. low-temperature
abbr., progr. logical terminal (ssn)
abbr., qual.cont. longterm
abbr., scient. Landsat Thematic; Learning Technologies
abbr., scottish Laser Transmitter; Light Transportable
abbr., shipb. letter telegram
abbr., space lander tankers
abbr., sport. LaDainian Tomlinson; Lawrence Taylor
abbr., tech. listening time; low torque
abbr., tradem. Lucent Technologies
abbr., transp. Fixed Light; Left Turn; Light Truck
abbr., virol. labile toxin
comp. line termination; local tandem
mil. laboratory test; land transportation; landing team; large tug; launch tube; launcher test; lead time; legal training; letter telegram; liaison technician; light tank; line telegraphy; line telephony
O&G lighting
tech. Laplace transform; leak testing; left telephone; letter; life test; logical track; long time
< abbr.
EU. I>; ex-situ<; /i>; i>; br>
min.prod. <
lt [,el'ti:] abbr.
abbr. language translation; left tackle; light; limit; logic theory; long ton; low temperature; low tension
abbr., med. lung-tissue
agric. lint
Lt [,el'ti:] abbr.
abbr. lieutenant
abbr., anim.husb. left
abbr., med. light
abbr., sport. left tackle
energ.ind. fin spacing
Lᵗ abbr.
abbr., genet. tibial loop
: 54 phrases in 16 subjects
Health care12
Mineral products1
Obsolete / dated1
Piezoelectric crystals4