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 English thesaurus
LOAS abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. lift-off acquisition system
LOAS abbr.
abbr., comp. Low Overhead Audio Stream (harser)
LOA abbr.
abbr. Letter Of Agency; Local Overseas Allowance; Lands of Adventure; level of distinct odor awareness (уровень отчетливого распознавания запаха Mueller); length over-all
abbr., automat. line of action
abbr., avia. Lorraine, Queensland, Australia; level-off altitude; loss of alignment; loss of aircraft; lost on assembly
abbr., BrE local overseas allowance
abbr., busin. leave of absence paid or unpaid (Val_Ships)
abbr., commer. Letter of Authorization
abbr., ed., scient. Limit Of Advance
abbr., el. language-oriented architecture; logout analysis program; low-speed output adapter
abbr., energ.syst. loss of availability (makhno)
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Legion Of The Apocalypse
abbr., fin. Loan Accounting Officer (May_Jasmine)
abbr., food.ind. Lukewarm Ovaltine Arisen
abbr., geol., scient. Level Of Activity
abbr., inet. Look Of Adoration
abbr., med. Leave Of Absence (fetal Position); Live On Arrival; left occiput anterior (harser); left occipitoanterior (fetal position)
abbr., mil. Length Over All; Lead Operational Authority; letter of authorization; letter of offer and acceptance; lodgment operational area; logistics over-the-shore operation area
abbr., mil., avia. landing operations area
abbr., nautic. Length Overall of the vessel
abbr., nautic., scient. Length OverAll
abbr., oil list of acronyms; lube oil additive
abbr., oil.proc. loss of attrition (Izuminka2008); loss on attrition (Izuminka2008)
abbr., opt. laser optoacoustic
abbr., org.name. Letter of Agreement
abbr., polym. Letter of Access (Karabas)
abbr., relig. League Of Angels
abbr., scient. Law of Attraction
abbr., scottish Launch On Assessment
abbr., space launch on attack; launch operations area
abbr., UN Letter of assist
abbr., UN, tech. letter of assist
mil., abbr. leave of absence; letter of acceptance; letter of advice; letter of authority; light observation aircraft; Letter of Assist
mil., corp.gov. letter of agreement
physiol., abbr. Left Occipitoanterior
shipb. length overall (MichaelBurov); overall length (MichaelBurov)
tech., abbr. lines-of-assurance
LoA abbr.
abbr., commun. Limit of movement Authority
abbr., mil. level of ambition
ophtalm. limits of agreement (eugeene1979)
loa abbr.
abbr., relig. a god in the voodoo cult of Haiti (Igor Tolok)
nautic. length overall
loa. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. length overall
LOA: 2 phrases in 1 subject