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Inventory Management
 inventory management
comp., MS Gestion des stocks
| Program
arts. programme
IT tech. programmer
med. coroutine; procédure
tech. cycle; programme
construct. routine
el. construct. programme de compétence
| And
gen. ainsi que
| Control Techniques
 control technique
comp. technique de la commande

to phrases
inventory management
comp., MS Gestion des stocks (The branch of management that plans and controls the holding of inventory. Inventory management does not manage the inventory itself, but rather plans for such things as levels to maintain)
mater.sc. gestion et administration du matériel
 English thesaurus
inventory management
USA That phase of military logistics that includes managing, cataloging, requirements determinations, procurement, distribution, overhaul, and disposal of materiel (JP 4-09)
Inventory Management: 7 phrases in 5 subjects
Information technology2
Name of organization2