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gen. coup manqué
agric. vide dans une plantation
bank. faillite
comp. faute
construct. écroulement; effondrement
dialys. insuffisance
industr. construct. chem. rupture de collage
transp. mech.eng. non-fonctionnement
| Investigation Report
 investigation report
law rapport d'enquête
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | adjective | to phrases
failure ['feɪljə] n
gen. coup manqué
agric. vide dans une plantation
bank. faillite f
comp. faute f
construct. écroulement m; effondrement m; éboulement m
dialys. insuffisance f
industr., construct., chem. rupture de collage
met. allumage défectueux
telecom. défaut de fonctionnement; avarie f; coupure f
transp., mech.eng. non-fonctionnement m
failures n
UN, econ. pannes f; défaillances f
failure ['feɪljə] adj.
gen. défaillance; defaut
agric. manquant
commun. manque; dérangement
comp., MS défaillance (The inability of a computer system or related device to operate reliably or to operate at all)
earth.sc., industr., construct. rupture
earth.sc., mech.eng. panne
law manquement
mater.sc. défaut
mater.sc., met. ruine
polit. échec
transp. perturbation
 English thesaurus
failure ['feɪljə] abbr.
abbr., amer., slang bust (The whole idea was a bust)
mil., abbr. fail; flr
mil., logist. Fault in one equipment or in one part of an equipment, requiring an unscheduled corrective technical intervention. (FRA); When an item of equipment is incapable of functioning, owing to internal reasons. Such an item of equipment is unable to carry out the operational functions for which it was designed. (FRA)
Failure Investigation
: 1 phrase in 1 subject