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ERP | Special Fund
 Special Fund
gen. fonds spécial
fin. Fonds spécial
 Special Funds
fin. fonds spéciaux

adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
 English thesaurus
ERP abbr.
abbr. Enterprise Resource Production; European Recovery Programme
abbr., avia. Emergency Response Plan; eye reference point; eye reference position
abbr., avia., med. event related brain potential
abbr., biol. early receptor potential
abbr., busin. Equal Risk Point (inplus); economic retention period
abbr., chem., scient. Event Related Potential
abbr., comp. error recovery program
abbr., comp., net. error recovery procedure
abbr., earth.sc. Earth Resources Program; earth rotation parameters; energy recovery parameter; enterprise resources planning; Episodic Response Project; European Recovery Program
abbr., EBRD Enterprise Restructuring Project
abbr., ecol. Energy related Products (SVT25)
abbr., ed. Extensive Reading Program
abbr., ed., scient. Electronic Research Process
abbr., el. enterprise resource planning (software)
abbr., el., scient. Effective Radiated Power
abbr., environ. Environmental Resource Permit
abbr., fin. effective rate of protection
abbr., inet. Envelope Return Path
abbr., insur. extended reporting period
abbr., IT error recovery procedures
abbr., math., scient. Error Reduction Parameter
abbr., med. Estrogen Receptor Protein
abbr., med.appl. effective refractory period (ЭхоКГ harser)
abbr., mil. Enroute Reporting Point
abbr., O&G Emergency Response Procedure (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. emergency response plan (a document that identifies the management system and associated resources that control the impact of emergencies at a particular site or facility)
abbr., oil electronic radiated power; enhanced resolution phasor; error recovery process (program); error request process
abbr., org.name. Education for Rural People
abbr., phys., scient. Event Related Potentials
abbr., physiol. Effective Refractory Period
abbr., post Expanded Return Program (bulk return of dead letter mail to companies)
abbr., scottish Emitter Radiated Power
abbr., sport. Early Racquet Preparation; effective refractory period
abbr., st.exch. Exchange Rate Protection
abbr., transp. Electronic Road Pricing; electronic road pricing
abbr., UN entreprise resource planing
abbr., UN, insur. Enterprise Resource Planning (system)
mil., avia. effective radiated power
ErP abbr.
abbr. Energy-related products (Andrey250780)
ERP abbr.
abbr., auto. electronic road pricing system
abbr., avia. engine requirement program; enhanced reference point; enhanced runaway protection; enterprise resource planner
abbr., avia., med. evoked response potential
abbr., commun. Enterprise Risk Planning
abbr., comp., net. estimated retail price
abbr., el. equivalent radiated power; extended range pyrometer; extremely small resin package
abbr., hi-fi ear reference point (the point in space where your palm intersects with the axis of your ear canal when you press your hand against your ear, and the place where the front of the headphones’ driver grilles will sit when you wear them. -- http://goo.gl/g753vV Artjaazz)
abbr., med. equine rhinopneumonitis; European Reference Product (Европейский референтный препарат BB50)
abbr., mil. engineer regulating point; Equipment Requirement Plan
abbr., mil., air.def. effective radiation power; electronic requirement plan; equipment repair part
abbr., mil., avia. earth reference pulse
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. emergency response plan
abbr., O&G, sakh. emergency response plan (ning)
abbr., progr. enterprise resource planning (ssn)
abbr., railw. Earthing Reference Point
abbr., securit. equity risk premium
energ.ind., abbr. elevated release point; emergency response planning
mil., abbr. electronic requirements plan; engineer regulation point; engineering requirements plan; equipment repair parts; equipment requirements program; extended range projectile
tech., abbr. effective radiated power level; emitted radio power; environmental restoration program; equipment requirements plan
ERP: 12 phrases in 6 subjects
Corporate governance1
Human resources1
Name of organization1
United Nations2