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auto.ctrl. compter
demogr. recensement
earth.sc. tech. coup
fish.farm. moule
law chef d'accusation
med. nombre de bouts
textile titrage
fin. gen. comptage
industr. construct. titrage
| On
earth.sc. el. allumé
| Making
transp. fabrication
| People
construct. peuplement
| Lives
earth.sc. el. en charge
Easier | To
fin. tech. jusqu'au
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
count [kaunt] n
gen. chef d'accusation (of indictment); faire le comptage de
ling. dénombrement m
count [kaunt] v
gen. compte de pulsation; pulsation
auto.ctrl. compter
comp. calcul; calculer; unité de comptage; total
earth.sc., tech. coup
el. compte
fish.farm. moule
industr., construct. comptage des feuilles
law chef d'accusation; allégation
med. nombre de bouts; numération
nat.sc. titre
stat. énumération; décompte; comptage
textile titrage
радиоакт. coup (of a radiation counter); impulsion de comptage (of a radiation counter); nombre de coups
counting ['kauntɪŋ] v
fin. comptage
industr., construct. titrage
pharma., agric. comptage sur plaques; numération
counts v
радиоакт. compte; nombre de coups
count n. [kaunt] v
demogr. recensement
count [kaunt] adj.
ling. comptable; dénombrable
 English thesaurus
count [kaunt] v
fish.farm. broj riba u 1 kg pecatura
law a numbered charge against someone for a criminal act; Each separate charge or statement in a criminal case.
COUNT [kaunt] abbr.
abbr., avia. counter
abbr., el. computer operated universal tester
abbr., mil., avia. computer operated universal test
COUNT [kaunt] abbr.
abbr., oil computer operated universal test system
abbr., space computer-operated universal test system
mil. computer-operated universal test
Count On
: 17 phrases in 4 subjects