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CRL abbr.
comp., MS liste de révocation de certificats (A document maintained and published by a certification authority that lists certificates that have been revoked)
 English thesaurus
CRL abbr.
abbr. complement receptor lymphocyte; Certified Registered Locksmith; Consumer Retail List; Civil Rights Law; Coal Research Laboratory; Compile-time Reconfigurable Logic (RL); certification revocation list; Chalk River Laboratory; Chemical and Radiological Laboratories; Communication Research Laboratory
abbr., amer. Chemical Research Laboratory
abbr., astronaut. Communication Research Laboratory (Japan)
abbr., auto. cruise control lamp
abbr., avia. Brussels South Airport, Brussels, Belgium; collar; configurable rail launcher; computer oriented language
abbr., biol. cell repository line (yegorij)
abbr., chem., scient. Calcium Rust And Lime
abbr., comp., net., IT Critical Resource List
abbr., earth.sc. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory; Columbia Radiation Laboratory; Consolidated Rutile Ltd
abbr., ed., scient. Computer Research Laboratory
abbr., el. carrier recovery loop; Central Research Laboratory; coded run length; compact reflector lamp; composite ruby laser; constant rate-of-loading; continuous running laser
abbr., electr.eng. control relay latch; certificate revocation list (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., IT Common Representation Language; Certificate Revocation Lists; Certificate revocation list
abbr., law Contractors Registration Law
abbr., libr. Center for Research Libraries
abbr., med. Cell Repository Line; Central Right Lung; Clinical Reference Library (database); crown rump length (harser); complement receptor locations (sites); complement receptor lymphocytes; crown-rump length (fetal measurement)
abbr., mil. Compact Refractive Lens
abbr., mil., avia. Cambridge research laboratory
abbr., mil., WMD central relations plan
abbr., O&G, tengiz. Crude Rail Loading (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., obst. crown-rump length (копчиково-теменной размер (плода) Dimpassy)
abbr., oil cathode ray lamp
abbr., railw. Chicago Rail Link
abbr., scottish Common Rail Launcher; Compania de Responsabilidad Limitada (Venezuela); Contingency Rear Link
abbr., sec.sys., IT Certificate Revocation List
abbr., space communications routing list
abbr., tradem. Communications Research Laboratory; Computer Rentals Ltd
abbr., vet.med. Central Reference Laboratory (Центральная справочная лаборатория Val Voron)
abbr., vet.med., med. Crown To Rump Length
energ.ind. convection and radiation losses; cross referenced list
mil. crew research laboratory; customer requirements list
tech. cylinder number for relocatable library
crl. abbr.
polym. between crosslinks
crl abbr.
cartogr. coral