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noun | abbreviation
cfm n
tech. m3-h m; 1 mètre cube par heure
CFMs abbr.
IMF. mesures de gestion des flux de capitaux
 English thesaurus
CFM abbr.
abbr. Certified Facility Manager; Certified Floodplain Manager; Continental Freight Management; County Fiscal Management; center frequency modulation; chlorofluoromethane; Clock From Master (CTM, Rambus); Come And Fuck Me; Come Fuck Me; ConFiguration Management (FDDI, SMT); Council of Foreign Ministers
abbr., auto. Condenser Fan Motor (translator911)
abbr., automat. continuous flow manufacturing
abbr., avia. commercial fan moteur (Interex); common function module; Construction and Facilities Management; cable fabrication manual; commercial fan motor; computation fluid mechanics; customer furnished material; cross functional management
abbr., BrE Cadet Force Medal
abbr., chem., scient. Cross Flow Microfiltered
abbr., commer. Contractor Financial Management; Contractor Furnished Material
abbr., commun., sat.comm. companded FM
abbr., comp. connectivity fault management
abbr., comp., net., IT Content Flow Manager
abbr., el. card feed mechanism; character function map; code field manager; composite fading margin; conceptual and formal models; contamination-free manufacturing; continuous-film memory; critical fluid management; crystal frequency multiplier
abbr., el., scient. Contamination Free Manufacturing; Continuous Flow Manufacturing; Cubic foot per minute
abbr., energ.ind. Controls Finalization Meeting (MichaelBurov)
abbr., expl. chloro-fluoro-methane
abbr., IT Calibration File Manager; Code Frag Ment; Code Fragment Manager; Cold Fusion Markup Template; Configuration File Management; Continuous Flow Management
abbr., logist. Cubic Meter per Minute
abbr., med. Center For Musikpsykologi. International Center For Music Psychology; Continuous Electronic Fetal Monitoring; Cerebral Function Monitor; Cross Flow Microfiltration
abbr., mil. CONUS Freight Management; Cubic Feet Per Minute
abbr., mil., air.def. computer facility management
abbr., nano chemical force microscope
abbr., nautic., scient. Chlorofluoromethane
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. central field manifold
abbr., oil Continuous Flowmeter (glenfoo)
abbr., opt. cubic foot per minute
abbr., polym. polychlorotrifluoroethylene
abbr., progr., IT Cold Fusion Markup
abbr., railw. Chemins de Fer de Moldova
abbr., relig. Call From The Mountain; Crown Financial Ministries
abbr., scient. Cubic Feet Moved
abbr., scottish Captain Fleet Maintenance; Covering-Fire Mine; Crane, Field, Medium
abbr., tech. Continuous Filament Mat (LyuFi)
abbr., tradem. Canadian Furniture Manufacturing
mil. center-fire magnum; contingency for movement; contractor-furnished material; customer-furnished material
tech. cathode follower mixer; compounded frequency modulation; containment failure mode
cfm abbr.
abbr. confirm; cubic feet per minute
O&G, sakh. Commercial Finance Manager (multitran.com Kochka)
tech. m3/h
cfm. abbr.
abbr., commer. confirm
Cfm abbr.
abbr. formation conductivity
cfM abbr.
abbr., oil cubic feet per mont
CFMS abbr.
abbr. Client Funds Management System; Contract Financial Management System; County Fiscal Management System; Canadian Forces Medical Services; Combat Fuels Management System
abbr., anim.husb. Commercial Farm Management Service
abbr., ed., scient. Canadian Federation of Medical Students
abbr., file.ext. Chained File Management System
abbr., IT Circulating Folder Management System
abbr., mil. CONUS Freight Management System
abbr., relig. Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America
abbr., scottish Canadian Forces Medical Service
energ.ind. critical function monitoring system
mil. combined field maintenance shop