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cycl. axe de pédalier
forestr. axe
load.equip. axe
mech.eng. el. arbre
med. axe
transp. essieu; train
transp. mech.eng. axe tournant; essieu-axe
| Counting
demogr. dénombrement
| System
comp., MS Système
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | adjective | to phrases
axle ['æks(ə)l] n
forestr. axe f (d'une roue)
load.equip. axe f (n.m.)
transp., mech.eng. axe tournant
axles n
health. essieux
axle bottom bracket ['æks(ə)l] n
cycl. axe de pédalier
axle ['æks(ə)l] adj.
mech.eng., el. arbre
med. axe
transp. essieu; train
transp., mech.eng. essieu-axe
 English thesaurus
AXLE ['æks(ə)l] abbr.
abbr. T J T, Inc.
Axle Counting
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects