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‘PG’ n
cinema, brit. ‘interdit aux moins de 13 ans’
 English thesaurus
PG [ˌpiːdʒiːθɜː'tiːn] abbr.
abbr., dermat. pyoderma gangrenosum (гангренозная пиодермия doc090)
abbr., post Postmaster General (Leonid Dzhepko)
cinema A certificate issued by the MPAA indicating that a film's content is suitable for viewing by children, but recommends parental guidance. See also PG-13.
Pg [ˌpiːdʒiːθɜː'tiːn] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. pargasite; pigeonite
abbr., oil granite porphyry
Pg. abbr.
abbr. page; Portuguese
abbr., earth.sc. Portugal
PG [ˌpiːdʒiːθɜː'tiːn] abbr.
abbr. Pretty Girl; Paragliding (bk); parental guidance (Vosoni); paying guest (Vosoni); professional group (Vosoni); pressure gage; peripheral gateway (Yakov); Post-Graduate Year (школа LAS - дополнительный курс подготовки к поступлению в ВУЗ (тж. 13-й класс) 4uzhoj); Paris gauge; persistant gas; plate-glazed paper; Production Group; phosphatidylglycerol; polyethylene glycol
abbr., agric. propyl gallate
abbr., anim.husb. propylgallate
abbr., auto. parameter group; power and ground connection; power ground
abbr., avia. Pilot's Guide (Interex); pressure governor; plug gauge; Bangkok Airways
abbr., biol. prostaglandin; prostaglandins
abbr., biotechn. polygalacturonase
abbr., busin. probability of default (Alexander Matytsin); pharmaceutical grade
abbr., chem., scient. Propylene Glycol
abbr., cinema Parental Guidance
abbr., commer. product group (ВВладимир)
abbr., commun. Pair Gain
abbr., comp. program generator
abbr., comp., net. Peer Group; presentation graphics
abbr., earth.sc. Pasquill-Gifford Curves; pegmatite; pegmatitic; peralkaline granite; phosphogypsum; porphyritic granodiorite; porphyritic hornblende gabbro; primordial guard
abbr., ed., scient. Post Graduate
abbr., el. Power-good (qark); parallel groove; parent generation; parity gating; payment gateway; perfect gas; permanent glow; phase gain; phase grating; photoconductive gain; photogalvanic; photogate; pilot generator; polyglutamate; polysilicon gate; port group; pre-group; primary group; processor group; projective geometry code; protect ground
abbr., electr.eng. power gain
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Planet Garth
abbr., file.ext. Page cut/paste file (IBM LinkWay); Permanent Group
abbr., inet. Pretty Good
abbr., insur. purchasing group
abbr., lab.eq. Plasma Glucose
abbr., med. Nasopharyngeal Electrode Placement In Electroencephalography; Pregnant; glycerate-3-phosphate; partial gastrectomy; pentagastrin; pepsinogen; peptidoglycan; plasma gastrin; prepare for gas
abbr., med., lat. Pharmacopoeia Germanica
abbr., media. Point Guard
abbr., mil. Packing Group; patrol combatant ship; Paymaster General
abbr., mil., avia. page
abbr., nano porous glass
abbr., nautic. patrol gunboat
abbr., oil per gallon; pressure gauge (andrushin); grain pressure; palygorskite; Pecan Gap; phosphatidyl glycerol; pit gain; plane girder; polyglycol; polymer gel; polymerized gasoline; Post Glacial (period); premium grade; process gas; program graph; programmer; protective ground
abbr., org.name. Partnership and Governance Services Department
abbr., physiol., med. Postgraduate
abbr., polit. Papua New Guinea
abbr., polym. powdered glue
abbr., relig. Praise God
abbr., scient. Physical Geography
abbr., scottish type abbreviation Patrol or gunship (River; R); type abbreviation Patrol or gunshoip (Inshore; I); Chloropicrin & phosgene mixture (Chemical warfare agent); Patrol or gunship (USA)
abbr., sec.sys. Packaging Group (Используется в документах ADR/RID и паспортах безопасности. PG I, PG II, PG III xx007)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Privacy Guard
abbr., soil. pergelic soil temperature regime
abbr., space Persian Gulf; precision guidance; predictive guidance; pyrolytic graphite
abbr., spectr. purple glass (igisheva)
abbr., sport. Player's Guide
abbr., st.exch. Proctor & Gamble Company
abbr., tradem. Proctor And Gamble
abbr., weld. pipe fixed horizontal (PG - обозначение по ASME 5Gd MichaelBurov)
energ.ind., abbr. post-graduate; power generation; primary gas
mil., abbr. pay grade; permanent grade; persistent gas; photogrammetry; pistol grip; pivot gun; program guidance; project group; proving ground; pulse gate
physiol., abbr. Paregoric
polit., abbr. Spratly Islands
tech., abbr. general public service radio station; package; particulate and gas; pattern generator; phosphoglycerate; pressure gradient; processing gain
TV, abbr. pulse generator
Pg [ˌpiːdʒiːθɜː'tiːn] abbr.
abbr. Paleogene (MichaelBurov); paragonite; progesterone; gas pressure
abbr., geol. the Paleogene (MichaelBurov); Paleogene age (MichaelBurov); Paleogene time (MichaelBurov); Paleogenic (MichaelBurov); Paleogene strata (MichaelBurov); Paleogene sequence (MichaelBurov); the Palaeogene (MichaelBurov); Palaeogene (MichaelBurov); Palaeogenic (MichaelBurov); Palaeogene age (MichaelBurov); Palaeogene time (MichaelBurov); Palaeogene strata (MichaelBurov); Palaeogene sequence (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. grain density
abbr., oil seismic wave refraction through basement
energ.ind. combustor outlet air full pressure
pg [ˌpiːdʒiːθɜː'tiːn] abbr.
abbr. page
abbr., life.sc. picogram
abbr., med. μμg; pogonion
abbr., oil plagioclase
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
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