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commer. transp. nautic. jauge brute
| serum
gen. petit-lait; soluté physiologique; sérum
med. sérum; sérum sanguin
| glutamyl transpeptidase
 glutamyl transpeptidase
gen. glutamyl transpeptidase
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
GT abbr.
commer., transp., nautic. jauge brute
 English thesaurus
GT abbr.
abbr. Galaxy Tour; Gallery Talk; game theory; Garbage Truck; Gary Turner; Gas Truck; Gazette Times; General Talk; General Topic; General Trade; Generic Task; generic term (Andrey250780); Gentle Touch; Geometry And Topology; Georgia Tech; Get Tiffany; Get Together; Gifted And Talented; Gifted Talented; Glass Tubular; Global Trading; Glucose Tolerance; Golden Tornado; Golden Tornadoes; Good Time; Good Times; Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company; Got Taken; Got Turbo; Government Test; Grand Tourer; Grand Touring; grand touring car; Grand Tourism; Grand Tournament; Graph Theorist; Graphic Technology; grease trap; Great Time; Great Times; Georgetown; ground transformer; Great Touring; Greater Than; Greater Throughput; Gross Ton; Group Talk
abbr., AI. Graph Traverser
abbr., automat. gang-tool (ssn); group technology; greater than (ssn)
abbr., avia. ground transmission; gas tight; gear train; grid track; ground transit; tail gun; tail gunner; gate tube; geared tab; general tool
abbr., biochem. galactosyltransferase (Игорь_2006)
abbr., busin. gasoline tight; general tax; general terms
abbr., combust. gas turbine (MichaelBurov)
abbr., commer. gross ton
abbr., earth.sc. geological transect; Georgetown Thrust; gigaton; ground truth
abbr., econ. gross register ton; production by; gross tariff; Group Travel
abbr., el. geometric transformation; give token; global transport; graphics terminal; group transformation
abbr., IT Go To
abbr., med. Gastrostomy; gastric tube; glutamyl transpeptidase; treatment of gingiva
abbr., mil. gross tonnage
abbr., mil., avia. gain/temperature
abbr., mining. gauge template
abbr., oil total gas; gas tank; Gas Technology Symposium; gasoline tank; gauge trimmer; general tariff; general term; geophysical tomography; geothermal (gradient); glacial till; glycol terephthalate; Green test; grounding transformer
abbr., orthop. greater trochanter (большой вертел бедренной кости Баян)
abbr., pharm. guanosine triphosphate
abbr., physiol. Gait Training
abbr., polit. Guatemala
abbr., polym. gastight
abbr., scottish Geared Turbine; Gun Tank; Guatemala (NATO country code)
abbr., space gas temperature; Gemini test; Gemini Titan; glass temperature; gyro torque
abbr., sport. Gran Turismo
abbr., tax. government tax (авиаперевозка Yuriy83)
abbr., telecom. global title (ssn)
meteorol. global transponder; ground fog
mil. general technical; general test; general training; general transport; glide torpedo; Greenwich time; ground test; ground trainer; guidance transmitter; gun target; gun turret
O&G greater than operator block
physiol. Gait training
tech. antenna gain-to-noise temperature ratio; drop; gage template; gas thread; gas tube; gas-tight; glass tube; glow tube; graphic terminal; great ton; ground track; ground transmit; guard time; gutta
gt abbr.
abbr. gas turbine; gilt; gran turismo (класс машин Иванской); great; Gross Tonnes; greetings telegram
abbr., earth.sc. goethite
abbr., genet. giant
abbr., mil. gross ton
refrig. globe temperature
Gt abbr.
abbr. grit; gritty (consistence); formation geometrical factor
abbr., earth.sc. garnet
abbr., tech. gross tons
gt. abbr.
abbr., libr. gilt
abbr., med. a drop
abbr., med., lat. gutta
γ-GT abbr.
abbr., med. γ-glutamyltranspeptidase
gT abbr.
abbr. temperature gradient
GT. abbr.
abbr. gross ton
Gt. abbr.
abbr., libr. Britain. Great Britain
GT s
: 41 phrases in 15 subjects
Health care6
Mineral products4
Nuclear physics1
Obsolete / dated2