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scops | owl
ornit. κουκουβάγια

noun | adjective | to phrases
 English thesaurus
SCOP [skɔp] abbr.
abbr. Scoot.Com PLC
abbr., avia. simple checkout program
abbr., earth.sc. stratocumulus opacus
abbr., ed. Standing Conference Of Principals
abbr., el. self-coupled optical pickup
abbr., med. Scopolamine; Structural Classification Of Proteins; Systematic Classification Of Proteins
abbr., oil State Company for Oil Projects
abbr., physiol. SCOPolamine Hydrochloride
abbr., physiol., med. Scopolamine Hydrochloride
SCOPS abbr.
abbr., oil Select Committee on Ocean Policy Study
scops: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
Life sciences3
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1