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pol [pɔl] n
med. πολυμεράση
 English thesaurus
pol [pɔl] abbr.
abbr. polar
abbr., genet. polymerase
abbr., med. polymerized flagellin
abbr., oil polished
inf. politician
O&G polished
pol. abbr.
abbr. polished
abbr., earth.sc. petrol; polymeric
polym. polymer
POL [pɔl] abbr.
abbr. Points Of Light; point-of-load (разновидность DC/DC-преобразователей для архитектур с распределенным питанием; рассчитаны на работу в непосредственной близости с нагрузкой makryak); Polarization Observation by Lens-Effect-Tracing (veryonehope); profession-oriented language (A profession oriented language (POL) is a high-level language that, for the purpose of e.g. participatory design or system description and development - АД Alexander Demidov); Project On-Line (Гевар); petroleum, oils and lubricants; petroleum, oil and lubricants (Alexander Demidov)
abbr., astronaut., mil. Polarization
abbr., avia. petrol; oil and lubricant; probability of loss; paints, oils and lubricants; polish
abbr., commer. petrol, oil, lubricants
abbr., comp. Phillips optical language
abbr., earth.sc. Pacific Oceanographic Laboratory; polarize; polymer
abbr., el. power optimized logic; process-oriented language; pseudo off-line
abbr., inet. Play On Line
abbr., IT Polygon Models Format; procedure-oriented language; Problem Oriented Language
abbr., law Point Of Law
abbr., logist. port of loading (dispatch); Port of Loading (порт погрузки Yuriy83)
abbr., med. Physicians Online Network
abbr., mil. Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants; petroleum, oils, and lubricants
abbr., mil., air.def. point of load
abbr., mil., avia. petroleum, oil and lubricants; petroleum, oil and lubricants handling equipment
abbr., mil., WMD petroleum, oil, and lubricant
abbr., NATO Petroleum Oil Lubricants
abbr., nautic., scient. Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory
abbr., oil period of investigation
abbr., polit. Politics
abbr., post Post Office Online
abbr., poultr. point of lay (начало периода яйцекладки Oxana Vakula)
abbr., progr., IT Possesion Only Licence
abbr., relig. Pages Of Life
abbr., scottish Petroleum, Oil & Lubricants; Policy Division, SHAPE (NATO)
abbr., space polarity; problem-oriented language; procedureoriented language
abbr., st.exch. PolyOne Corporation
abbr., tech. petroleum oil lubricant; problem-oriented languages
abbr., textile presumption of loss
abbr., tradem. Pegasus Overseas Limited
abbr., UN petroleum, oil and lubricants
abbr., UN, tech. petroleum, oil, lubricants
abbr., vet.med., med. Pick Of the Litter
airports, avia. Pemba, Mozambique
energ.ind., abbr. possession-only licence
mil., abbr. petroleum, oil, and lubricants; port of loading
tech., abbr. possession-only license; provisional operating license
Pol [pɔl] abbr.
abbr. police; Pol algorithm (MichaelBurov); algorithm Pol (MichaelBurov); proof of importance (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. pollution; polonium
abbr., mil., avia. polonium-210
POLS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. planned ocean logistic system
abbr., el. personal on-line services; program module for on-line system support; proprietary optical line system
abbr., mil. Provisioning On Line System
Pol. abbr.
abbr. Polish
abbr., commer. policy
abbr., earth.sc. polar
geogr. Poland (Vosoni)
POL [pɔl] abbr.
abbr., health. Popular Opinion Leader (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
Life sciences1