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noun | verb | to phrases
pleadings n
law διαδικαστικά έγγραφα
polit., law διαδικαστικό έγγραφο
pleading ['pli:dɪŋ] v
law διαδικαστικό έγγραφο
plead [pli:d] v
gen. εκλιπαρώ; παρακαλώ
 English thesaurus
pleading ['pli:dɪŋ] n
law Written statements filed with the court that describes a party's legal or factual claims about the case and what the party wants from the court
pleadings n
law formal written statements made by the plaintiff and the defendant in a lawsuit
PLED [pled] abbr.
abbr. Polymer Light Emitting Display (LED)
abbr., earth.sc. polarized low energy diffraction
abbr., el. planar light-emitting diode
abbr., physiol. Periodic Lateralized Epileptiform Discharge
abbr., polym. polymer light-emitting device; polymer light-emitting diode
plead [pli:d] v
law admit or deny committing a crime
: 10 phrases in 3 subjects