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pendant ['pendənt] n
industr., construct. ανάρτημα; κρεμαστή διακόσμηση πολυελαίου; κρεμάστρα
tech., construct. δίσκος σημάνσεως κατακορύφου
 English thesaurus
pendant ['pendənt] n
jewl. Any charm that is used on a chain necklace. Pendants, unlike necklaces, can be switched from chain to chain. They feature a fixed bale and as long as the bale is wide enough to fit over a clasp, it can be worn with that chain. A necklace features a chain that connects directly to the featured design and so cannot be removed.
: 23 phrases in 8 subjects
Health care3
Information technology1
Life sciences2
Mechanic engineering6
Natural sciences1