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pap smear ['pæp'smɪə]
health. τεστ Παπανικολάου
Pap smear ['pæp'smɪə]
med. επίχρισμα Παπανικολάου; επίχρισμα Παπ; επίχρισμα Pap ίσματος
 English thesaurus
pap smear ['pæp'smɪə]
med. A procedure in which cells and secretions are collected from inside and around the cervix for examination under a microscope. Pap smear also refers to the laboratory test used to detect any infected, potentially pre-cancerous, or cancerous cells in the cervical cells obtained from a Pap smear. see also cervix
Pap smear ['pæp'smɪə]
gen. Papanicolaou smear (для раннего обнаружения раковой опухоли)
abbr., med. Papanicolaou smear
pap smear
: 4 phrases in 1 subject