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lanes n
commun., transp. δίαυλος; κανάλι; όδευση
 English thesaurus
LANE [leɪn] abbr.
abbr. Linguistic Atlas of New England
abbr., comp., net., IT LAN Emulation
abbr., el. low altitude navigation equipment; resolution of the local area network emulation specification
abbr., mil. Local Area Network Emulation
abbr., mil., avia. local area network emulator
mil. low-altitude nuclear effects
Lanes n
geogr. Lancashire
Lane [leɪn] abbr.
abbr. Lane's Exchequer Reports
lane [leɪn] n
mil., logist. A route through an enemy or friendly obstacle which provides a passing force safe passage. The route may be reduced and proofed as part of a breach operation, or constructed as part of a friendly obstacle. A clear route through an obstacle. (FRA)
: 8 phrases in 3 subjects
Life sciences1