depot [ˈdepəʊ], US [ˈdiː-] n | |
commer. |
χώρος αποθήκευσης |
fin. |
αποθήκη; επιχείρηση διανομής που διαθέτει την απαιτούμενη επαγγελματική εξειδίκευση |
med. |
συσσώρευσις |
English thesaurus |
depot [ˈdepəʊ], US [ˈdiː-] n | |
gen. |
medication given by injection (from "Common terms and abbreviations in clinical files" gov.au Natalya Rovina); intra-muscular injection (from "Common terms and abbreviations in clinical files" gov.au Natalya Rovina) |
mil., logist. |
Set of supplies positioned on the terrain in order to resupply units, and which might require management and maintenance operations. (FRA) |
supply - An activity for the receipt, classification, storage, accounting, issue, maintenance, procurement, manufacture, assembly, research, salvage, or disposal of material; personnel - An activity for the reception, processing, training, assignment, and forwarding of personnel replacements (JP 4-0) |
abbr. |
Dramatic Educational Performance Opportunity To...; Dramatic Educational Performance Opportunity To .... |