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smart card ['smɑːtˌkɑːd]
comp., MS älykortti (A plastic (credit card–sized or smaller) device with an embedded microprocessor and a small amount of storage that is used, with an access code, to enable certificate-based authentication. Smart cards securely store certificates, public and private keys, passwords, and other types of personal information)
econ. "älykortti"; älykortti
IT, el. toimikortti; sirukortti
 English thesaurus
smart card ['smɑːtˌkɑːd]
IT A small electronic device that contains electronic memory, and possibly an embedded integrated circuit (Smart cards can be used for a number of purposes including the storage of digital certificates or digital cash, or they can be used as a token to authenticate users)
Smart Card ['smɑːtˌkɑːd]
abbr., comp., net. SM
comp., abbr. SC
smart card: 7 phrases in 2 subjects
Information technology3