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comp., MS osake; osake
account. osakkeet
IT resurssin jakaminen
in | associated companies
 associated company
econ. osakkuusyritys; lähiyhtiö

noun | verb | adverb | to phrases
share [ʃeə] n
comp., MS osake (One unit of ownership interest in a company); osake (One unit of ownership interest in a company)
shares v
account. osakkeet
sharing ['ʃe(ə)rɪŋ] v
IT resurssin jakaminen
IT, el. resurssien jakaminen; yhteiskäyttö
 English thesaurus
SHARE [ʃeə] abbr.
abbr. Safety And Health And Return To Employment; Seattle Housing And Resource Effort; Self Help And Rehabilitation Equity; Self Help And Resource Exchange; Self Help Association For Rehabilitation And Employment; Self Help Association Regarding Emotions; Senior Hospitality Activity Recreation Education; Share Her Annual Real Expenses; Sharing Hope About Recovery Experiences; Shelter Homes A Rescue Effort; Slaughter Horse Adoption Rescue Effort; Salmon Habitat And Restoration Enhancement; Sending Happiness And Real Essentials; Share Her Actual Real Expense; Sharing Hope And Redemption Everywhere; Software Help in Applications, Research and Education; Society to Help Avoid Redundant Effort
abbr., astronaut. Satellites for Health and Rural Education programme (INTELSAT); space station heat pipe advanced radiator experiment
abbr., ed. Self Help And Renewed Environment; Senior High Advice Reaching Eighth graders; Sexual Health And Relationships Education; Student Hiv Aids Reduction Education; Support Healing Awareness Resources And Education; Survival Help And Recipient Education
abbr., ed., scient. Students Help Art Reach Everyone
abbr., med. Source Of Help In Airing And Resolving Experiences; Study Of Heart Assessment And Risk In Ethnic Groups; Sending Help And Rehabilitation Everywhere
abbr., media. Supplying Handicapped Adults Recreational Entertainment
abbr., mil. Stock Holding and Assets Requirements Exchange Scheme
abbr., physiol., med. Spine Hand Arm Rehabilitation Ergonomics
abbr., relig. Serving Him And Reaping Encouragement; Sisters Helping Assist Religious Educators; Special Help And Respite Exchange
abbr., scient. Southern Hemisphere Auroral Radar Experiment
abbr., space satellite for health and rural education (programme)
abbr., st.exch. Stock Holding Asset Requirements Exchange
tech. systems for heat and radiation energy
share [ʃeə] abbr.
abbr. sh; shr.
SHARES abbr.
abbr., astronaut. Sharing of Experience in Space fellowship programme (India)
abbr., avia. shared airline reservations system
abbr., el. shared acquisitions and retention system
abbr., mil. Shared Resources National Communications System (NCS) High Frequency Radio Program
mil. Shared HF Resources
shares abbr.
abbr. shrs (Vosoni)
abbr., econ. s
abbr., securit. shs (e.g., Cert of Shs = Certificate of shares Alexander Oshis)
shares: 292 phrases in 25 subjects
Immigration and citizenship1
Information technology4
Labor law1
Natural sciences1
Procedural law7
Research and development2
Social science1