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scallops n
life.sc., fish.farm. kampasimpukat (Pectinidae)
scallop ['skɔləp] n
agric. samettisimpukka (Glycymeris glycymeris, Pectunculus glycymeris)
fish.farm. kampasimpukka (Aequipecten gibbus, Amusium balloti, Argopecten irradians, Chlamys delicatula, Chlamys islandica, Chlamys opercularis, Chlamys varius, Pecten aequisuleatus, Pecten jacobaeus, Pecten laqueatus, Pecten magellanicus, placopecten magellanicus, Pecten maximum, Pecten meridionalis, Pecten novaezelandiae, Pecten varius, Pecten yessoensis, Platinopecten caurinus); isokampasimpukka (Pecten maximus)
industr., construct. pykäpisto
industr., construct., chem. köynnöskoristeinen reuna; kierre
 English thesaurus
scallop ['skɔləp] n
fish.farm. kapica svetog jakova (Aequipecten gibbus, Amusium balloti, Argopecten irradians, Chlamys delicatula, Chlamys islandica, Chlamys opercularis, Chlamys varius, Pecten aequisuleatus, Pecten jacobaeus, Pecten laqueatus, Pecten magellanicus, placopecten magellanicus, Pecten maximum, Pecten meridionalis, Pecten novaezelandiae, Pecten varius, Pecten yessoensis, Platinopecten caurinus)
jewl. An edge of a piece of jewelry that is scalloped or has a curved edge created from multiple half circles.
SCALLOP ['skɔləp] abbr.
abbr., oil scalloped retrievable through-tubing perforator
: 26 phrases in 8 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture10
Information technology1
Life sciences9
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2
Nuclear and fusion power1