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control point [kən'trəulpɔɪnt]
commun. ohjauspaikka
comp., MS tarkistuspiste (A handle that can be dragged to change the curve or symmetry of a segment)
mech.eng. tarkistuspiste
transp. ohjauskeskus
control points
life.sc. tukipiste
 English thesaurus
control point [kən'trəulpɔɪnt]
mil., logist. A position along a route of march at which men are stationed to give information and instructions for the regulation of supply of information regarding traffic. (FRA)
USA A position along a route of march at which men are stationed to give information and instructions for the regulation of supply or traffic; A position marked by coordinates latitude, longitude, a buoy, boat, aircraft, electronic device, conspicuous terrain feature, or other identifiable object which is given a name or number and used as an aid to navigation or control of ships, boats, or aircraft; In marking mosaics, a point located by ground survey with which a corresponding point on a photograph is matched as a check (JP 3-09.3)
Control Point [kən'trəulpɔɪnt]
IT, abbr. CP (IBM, SNA)
control point
: 35 phrases in 12 subjects
Automatic control1
Earth sciences3
Food industry4
Health care1
Information technology5
Life sciences5
Materials science1