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comp., MS tekijä; toimija
in the | supply chain
 supply chain
gen. toimitusketju

to phrases
actor ['æktə] n
comp., MS tekijä (An entity in a graph edge that performs the action); toimija (A representation of a role played by an outside object. One physical object, therefore, may be represented by several actors)
IT tekijä
 English thesaurus
actor ['æktə] n
theatre., cinema a person who plays the role of a character in a performance (Usage notes: In the sense of a person who acts in a play or film, the traditional sense of the word only applied to male actors; the term actress being used for the female counterpart.)
ACTOR ['æktə] abbr.
abbr. A Commitment To Our Roots
abbr., mil., avia. Askania Cine-Theodolite Optical-Tracking Range
mil., abbr. Askania cine-theodolite optical-tracking range
actors: 17 phrases in 8 subjects
Immigration and citizenship2
Information technology1
Social science1