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abbreviation | noun
Voc abbr.
el. tyhjäkäyntijännite
 English thesaurus
Vocab. abbr.
abbr. vocabulary
Voc abbr.
abbr. oil velocity in casing
VOC abbr.
abbr. Various Obstinate Companies; Victory Over Communism; Vision Of Children; Vision Of Community; Volatile Organic Compounds
abbr., adv. voice-over-credits
abbr., auto. voice of customers
abbr., avia. visual optical countermeasure; volts open circuit
abbr., busin. Voice of the Customer (обратная связь с клиентами, учет их пожеланий MyxuH)
abbr., commun. Virtual Operator Console (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., cust. Voucher of Correction (ЮАР Inchionette)
abbr., earth.sc. volatile organic chemicals; volatile organohalogen compound
abbr., el. voice operated coder; voice order circuit
abbr., el., scient. Vertical Overscan Correction; Volatile Organic Chemical
abbr., file.ext. Creative Voice (format, Sound Blaster); Sound format (Creative Lab's Sound File, PlayVoc Vosoni)
abbr., industr. volatile organic component (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., IT PlayVoc Sound File
abbr., law Victim Of Corruption
abbr., med. vaporizer outside circuit
abbr., med., dis. Variant of Concern (про варіант вірусу bbc.com bojana)
abbr., meteorol. Voice Over Cable
abbr., mil., WMD Volatile organic compound (s)
abbr., nautic., scient. Volatile Organic Compound
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. vapors of crude
abbr., oil variable operating costs; volatile organic chemical; volatile organic component; volatile organic compound; volatile organic compounds
abbr., physiol. Vaso-Occlusive Crisis
abbr., physiol., med. Vocal; Vocational
abbr., plast. Volatile Organic Carbons; Volatille Organic Carbon
abbr., tradem. Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie; Verenigde Oostindie Compagnie
abbr., UN Victims Of Chaos
busin. Voice of the Customer
ecol. volatile organic carbon
IT, abbr. Creative Voice (Sound Blaster; format)
mil. validation of concept; vehicle out of commission; verbal order of the commander; visual optical countermeasures; voice-operated coder; volunteer officer candidate
tech. variable oil capacitor; variable output circuit
voc abbr.
abbr. vocal; vocalist; vocation; vocational
abbr., econ. variable ordering cost
abbr., O&G, tengiz. vehicle operating costs (Yeldar Azanbayev)
voc. abbr.
abbr. vocative (case Vosoni); vocational
abbr., libr. vocabulary