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commun. sarjajulkaisu
el. järjestys; rivi; ryhmä; sarjakytkentä; sarjaliitäntä
fin. sarjat
IT el. sarjaanliitetty piiri; sarjapiiri
of either portions of | roads
environ. tie
or | tracks
comp., MS raita
or of portions of | railroads
transp. construct. radan infrastruktuuri
used to | travel
PSP liike
from one | point
environ. piste
| to
forestr. liimata
another | Road
environ. tie
| routes
comp., MS reititys
| can
forestr. kanisteri
either be | open
comp., MS avoin
or controlled In the latter | case
comp., MS palvelupyyntö
they | can
forestr. kanisteri
be supervised | despatch
comp., MS järjestellä
| reserved
fin. varannot
| specialized
ed. erikoistua
| single
med. harventaa
| flow
environ. virta
or denied | routes
comp., MS reititys
1 Open routes | routes
comp., MS reititys
not | subject to
 subject to
law edellyttäen, että
| traffic
comp., MS liikenne
or | movement control
 Movement Control
gen. kuljetusten johto
| restrictions
IT esto
2 Controlled | routes
comp., MS reititys
| routes
comp., MS reititys
the | use
construct. hyödyntäminen
of which is | subject to
 subject to
law edellyttäen, että
| traffic
comp., MS liikenne
or | movement restrictions
 movement restriction
agric. siirtorajoitus
They may be | classified
ed. luokitella
into 1 supervised routes | roadways
forestr. ajotie
| over
commun. transp. avia. kuuntelen
which limited | control
math. tarkkailu
is exercised by | means
math. keskiluku
of traffic control posts and | traffic
comp., MS liikenne
| patrols
agric. vartioida
Movement credit is required | for
gen. osalta
its | use by
 use by
food.ind. viimeinen käyttöajankohta
| a
polit. agric. tech. aari
| column
met. pilari
of 20 | vehicles
hobby transp. hyötykuorma
or | more
comp., MS Lisää
or any | vehicle
hobby transp. hyötykuorma
of exceptional | size
agric. tech. savukkeen koko
or | weight
math. paino
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
series ['sɪ(ə)ri:z] n
commun. sarjajulkaisu
ed. julkaisusarja
el. järjestys; rivi; ryhmä; sarjakytkentä; sarjaliitäntä
fin. sarjat; osakelajit
fin., econ. sarjanumero
IT, el. sarjaanliitetty piiri; sarjapiiri
math. sarja; aikasarja
 English thesaurus
series ['sɪ(ə)ri:z] abbr.
abbr. s
abbr., polym. ser.
cinema A sequence of films with continuing characters or themes, but with little other interdependence, especially with respect to plot or significant character development. Until the advent of television series, there were various film series such as The Thin Man and Blondie that were started with the intention of making more than one. In subsequent years, the term would apply to features such as Star Trek: The Motion Picture or Dr. No that made more than one sequel. In modern times, the term "franchise" has been used perhaps cynically to describe to the practice of creating a movie and product-marketing package which is contingent on commercial success. Batman and its sequels are typically used as an example of a franchise. Contrast with serial.
law, abbr. s.
lit. A number of works connected to each other by plot, setting, character etc.
mil., abbr. ser
SERIES ['sɪ(ə)ri:z] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Satellite Emission Radio Interferometric Earth Surveying; Satellite Emission Range Inferred Earth Survey
Series of either portions of roads or tracks, or of portions of railroads, used to travel from one point to another. Road routes can either be open or controlled. In the latter case, they can be: supervised, despatch, reserved, specialized, single flow or denied routes. 1 - Open routes: routes not subject to traffic or movement control restrictions . 2. Controlled routes: routes, the use of which is subject to traffic or movement restrictions, They may be classified into: 1. supervised routes: roadways over which limited control is exercised by means of traffic control posts and traffic patrols, Movement credit is required for its use by a column of 20 vehicles or more, or any vehicle of exceptional size or weight
: 25 phrases in 14 subjects
Cultural studies1
Earth sciences1
Labor law1
Life sciences1
Work flow1