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verb | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
win [wɪn] v
gen. elpoenti; gajni; konkeri
 English thesaurus
Win [wɪn] abbr.
abbr., el. tungsten indium alloy
abbr., oil Winona
sport., abbr. W
Win. abbr.
abbr. Winch's Common Pleas Reports
WIN [wɪn] abbr.
abbr. worldwide Intelligent Network; What's Important Now; Whip Inflation Now; Winter; Women In Need; Women's Information Network; Women's International Net; Workforce Investment Network; 9.X Windows95/Windows98; Wales Ireland And Norway; Way Into Nirvana; weapon interception; Western Information Network; White Indian Negro; Winning Individual Neighborhoods; Wireless Intelligence Network; Wisconsin Interstate Network; Women In Net; Women Inmate Nurturing; Word In Narrative; Work Identification Number; Work In Newry; Work Incentive; Work Incentive Credit; WWMCCS Inter-computer Network; WWMCCS intercomputer network; WWMCCS Interconnected Network; Wyoming Independent Newsletter
abbr., auto. Windows
abbr., avia. Winton, Queensland, Australia
abbr., busin. Work Incentive Program
abbr., chem., scient. Water Insoluble Nitrogen
abbr., comp., net. Wireless In-building Network; Workstation Interface Node
abbr., comp., net., IT Wireless Information Network
abbr., earth.sc. Water International
abbr., ed. Writing Improvement Network
abbr., el. weapon intercept; wireless infrastructure network; wireless interface node; worldwide IP network
abbr., file.ext. Window file (FoxPro - dBASE)
abbr., inet. What Is Normal; World Information Network
abbr., IT Window file; Wireless Intelligent Network
abbr., med. Weight-control Information Network; Women In Nephrology
abbr., media. Writing In Narrative; Westinghouse Information Network
abbr., mil. Warfighter Information Network
abbr., oil well interference navigator; water input well
abbr., physiol., med. Waste Information Needs; Women's Individual Nutrition
abbr., relig. When In Need; World Intercession Network
abbr., st.exch. Winn Dixie Stores, Inc.
abbr., tech. warranty identification number (IgBar)
abbr., tradem. Western Integrated Networks; World Insurance Network
abbr., vet.med., med. Wildlife Information Network
mil. weapons interception; Work Intensive; worldwide information network
softw., progr., IT Microsoft Windows
tech. water-insoluble nitrogen; wireless inbuilding network; Women in Nuclear
: 4 phrases in 1 subject