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noun | verb | to phrases
watch [wɔʧ] n
gen. bracelethorloĝo; brakhorloĝo; gardanto; gardo; gardotempo; gvato; horloĝeto; horloĝo; pojnhorloĝo; vaĉo; viglo
keep watch [wɔʧ] n
gen. vaĉi
watchman [wɔʧ] n
gen. observisto
watch [wɔʧ] v
gen. observi; rigardi; spekti; spioni
 English thesaurus
WATCH [wɔʧ] abbr.
abbr. Waltham Alliance To Create Housing; Washington Area Theatre Community Honors; Writers And Their Copyright Holders
abbr., law Washington Access To Criminal History
abbr., med. Warfarin Antiplatelet Trial In Chronic Heart Failure; Worcester-area Trial For Counseling In Hyperlipidemia
abbr., physiol. Warfarin/Aspirin Study in Chronic Heart Failure
abbr., relig. Watchmen Alert To Cultic Harassment; Words Actions Thoughts Character Habit
: 20 phrases in 1 subject