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wary ['we(ə)rɪ] adj.
gen. atenta; singardema
 English thesaurus
wary ['we(ə)rɪ] adj.
gen. marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchfulness especially in detecting and escaping danger (Great critics are sometimes wary of great authors. Eliot and Pound usually sidled past Shakespeare. • Though sycamore wood was much used, pioneers were wary of the tree's fuzzy leaves, which they believed brought allergies and even consumption. • Be especially wary of the look-alike N95 type masks being sold at major retail distributors, Sexton said. • The Quality Guaranteed program hopes to reassure shoppers, already wary of spending money on retail, that an R&B item is made to last in every sense of the phrase. merriam-webster.com)