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noun | abbreviation
sup [sʌp] n
gen. gluto
 English thesaurus
sup [sʌp] abbr.
abbr. superior; supervisory; supplementary; support; supreme
abbr., busin. superfine; supplement; supplier
slang see what's up?
sup. abbr.
abbr. supplement (ary Vosoni); superficial; superfine; supply
abbr., earth.sc. supremum
abbr., libr. super
abbr., med. superior
.sup n
file.ext. Supplemental Dictionary (file name extension, WordPerfect)
SUP [sʌp] abbr.
abbr. Special Use Permit; selective ultraviolet phototherapy (ritamustard); supply
abbr., anim.husb. straw utilization project
abbr., auto. single-unit pack
abbr., avia. structural inspection item program; supervisory panel; supply point
abbr., comp., net., IT Software Update Protocol
abbr., dril. shut-in pressure (any shut-in rather than flowing pressure)
abbr., EBRD safety upgrade project (Andrey250780)
abbr., ed. Still Unanswered Problems
abbr., ed., scient. Superior
abbr., el. search unmatch pattern; service update process; service utility program; software update package; standard unit of processing; superficial; suppression
abbr., IT StartUP screen Bitmap graphics; SUPplementary dictionary
abbr., law Strange Unknown People
abbr., math., scient. SUPremum
abbr., med. Society For Ultrastructural Pathology
abbr., met. supply and manufacturing
abbr., mil., avia. structural-upgrade programme
abbr., mil., WMD System Upgrade Package
abbr., nucl.pow. SCP (MichaelBurov); supercritical pressure (MichaelBurov)
abbr., numism. Superbe
abbr., physiol., med. Supination; Supine; Suppository
abbr., post Supervisory (MODS report abbreviation)
abbr., progr., IT Still Unsolved Problems
abbr., scottish Surface, Practice
abbr., sport. Sports Utility Pack
abbr., st.exch. Superior Industries International, Inc.
abbr., transp. Sailor's Union of the Pacific; Super
energ.ind. superscript
IT what's up
mil. system utilization procedure
Sup. n
law supplement; supplementary
Sup [sʌp] abbr.
abbr. Superior Court
abbr., oil Supai
tech. static uninterruptible power supply
.SUP n
file.ext. Supplemental Dictionary (WordPerfect)
sups n
mil. supplies (Киселев)
SUP [sʌp] abbr.
abbr. super-regenerative pulse radar
abbr., earth.sc. Lake Superior (US And Canada); Scandinavian University Press; supervisor
abbr., oil scheduled into production; solid urethane plastics; statistical utility program; suppressor
abbr., polym. single-use plastics (Alexander Oshis)
abbr., qual.cont. suspected unapproved part (alexpv21)
abbr., radio suppressor grid
abbr., sport. stand-up paddleboard (Vicomte); run support
abbr., tech. Setup Panel (Katejkin)