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verb | noun | abbreviation
sue [s(j)u:] v
gen. ekprocesi kontraŭ; procesi; procesi kontraŭ
 English thesaurus
sue [s(j)u:] abbr.
abbr., genet. suppressor enhancing mutation
abbr., med., lat. succus
abbr., oil sucrose; sucrosic
biol. suction
SUE [s(j)u:] abbr.
abbr. State Unitary Enterprise; Stupid User Error
abbr., avia. Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin USA
abbr., ed., scient. Supercomputing And Undergraduate Education
abbr., el. strontium unit equivalent; sudden expansion; system user engineered (computer)
abbr., IT Sito User Environment; Standard Unix Environment
abbr., mil., avia. Stinger universal electronics
mil. small unit exchanges
st.exch. standardized unexpected earnings (dimock)
sue [s(j)u:] v
law to take legal action against somebody; to prosecute in civil court in seeking to redress wrongs; commence legal proceedings for recovery of a right
SUED abbr.
abbr., busin. subdivision
SUE [s(j)u:] abbr.
abbr., oil seismic underwater explorer