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noun | verb | to phrases
rot [rɔt] n
gen. putriĝi
rot [rɔt] v
gen. putri
 English thesaurus
rot [rɔt] abbr.
abbr. remedial occupational therapy; rotating; rotation
abbr., busin. rotten
rot. abbr.
abbr. rotating; rotative; rotten
abbr., dril. rotation
ROT [rɔt] abbr.
abbr. Registered Options Trader; Republic Of Texas; Rule Of Thumb; Redundant, Outdated, and Trivial; Regional Operations Team; Return On Taxes; Reusable Orbital Transport
abbr., auto. rotor
abbr., automat. rotary axis measurement
abbr., avia. Rotorua, New Zealand; runway occupancy time; radar off target; rotate; rotator
abbr., commer. refer to our telex (telegram)
abbr., ed. Right On Top
abbr., el. rule of thumb (method); receive-only terminal; resonant optical transformer; restricted outgoing traffic; right-on-time
abbr., electric. rotary switch
abbr., file.ext. Running Object Table
abbr., fin. rehabilitate-operate-transfer ROT
abbr., inet. Right On Target
abbr., insur. Reference our telex
abbr., IT Rotater 3D image; rate of turn
abbr., law retention of title (A retention of title (ROT) clause is a provision in a contract for the sale of goods which means that the seller retains legal ownership of the goods until certain obligations are fulfilled by the buyer – usually payment of the purchase price. pinsentmasons.com 'More)
abbr., med. Real Oxygen Transport (fetal Position); Remedial Occupational Therapy (fetal Position); Right Occipito-transverse (fetal Position); right occipitotransverse (fetal position); right occipitotransverse position of the fetus
abbr., mil. Reign Of Terror
abbr., O&G riser outlet temperature (olga garkovik)
abbr., oil rotary; remote operated tools; remotely operated tool unit
abbr., physiol., med. Right Occiput Transverse; Rotation
abbr., scottish Reserve Officer Training
abbr., space receive only terminal
abbr., transp. Runway Occupancy Time
energ.ind. rehabilitate-operate-transfer
mil. radar on target; range on target; Rotating Position
tech. report of test
RoT [rɔt] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. rockall trough
Rot [rɔt] abbr.
abbr., oil Rotliegendes
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