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old [əuld] adj.
gen. antikva; grandaĝa; maljuna; malnova (not new); nejuna; olda
 English thesaurus
old [əʊld] abbr.
abbr. o
.old adj.
file.ext. Old version (file name extension)
OLD [əʊld] abbr.
abbr. Old Lady Driver; Obnoxious Little Dumb-ass
abbr., avia. Old Town, Maine USA
abbr., el. on-line debugging; on-line diagnostic; open loop damping; optoacoustic laser deflection
abbr., electr.eng. one-line diagram
abbr., IT Backup file
abbr., med. Obstructive Lung Disease; Orthochromatic Leukodystrophy
abbr., media. Orchid List Digest
abbr., mil. on-line tests and diagnostics
abbr., mil., avia. on-line diagnostics
energ.ind. on-line diagram
tech. open-loop damping
Old [əʊld] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. oldhamite
oldest abbr.
abbr. ost
OLD [əʊld] abbr.
abbr., avia. on-line data
abbr., oil on-line debug
: 46 phrases in 1 subject