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nut [nʌt] n
gen. boltingo; ĉurovo; kojono; nukso; originalulo; strangul; ŝraŭbingo (of a screw)
 English thesaurus
nut [nʌt] n
econ., inf. Operating expenses to be recovered, often deductible in an exhibitor's contract with distributors.
slang crazy person (I think that he is a nut)
NUT [nʌt] abbr.
abbr. Naval Upper Tier; Newman-Unti-Tamburino metric
abbr., ed., scient. Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka, Japan
abbr., el. net under test; number unobtainable tone
abbr., law No Use Talking
abbr., mil., avia. Navy upper tier
abbr., oil nipple up tree
abbr., progr. network update time (ssn)
abbr., st.exch. M L Macadamia Orchards, L. P.
comp., abbr. network under test
: 18 phrases in 1 subject