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hold [həuld] n
gen. enteni; fermato; holdo; surteni; teno; daŭradi; deteni; enhavi; teni
 English thesaurus
hold [həuld] n
cinema A word used on a continuity report to indicate that a particular take should be kept, but not developed. See also print.
mil., abbr. hld
mil., logist. In an attack, to exert sufficient pressure to prevent movement or redisposition of enemy forces. 2. In land operations, to maintain possession of a position or area by force. UKR/NATO 3. In an attack, to exert sufficient pressure to prevent movement or redisposition of enemy forces. FRA fix to 4. A tactical task in which actions are taken to prevent the enemy from moving any part of his forces from a specific location and/or for a specific period of time by holding or surrounding them to prevent their withdrawal for use elsewhere; A tactical obstacle effect that integrates fire planning and obstacle effort to slow an attacker within a specified area, normally an engagement area. (FRA)
HOLD [həuld] abbr.
abbr. Honest Open Logical Debate
abbr., auto. hold indicator light
abbr., commun. call hold
abbr., oil helium operated leak detector
abbr., relig. Honesty Openness Listening And Dedication
abbr., sport. holding
tech., abbr. heavy oil letdown
: 30 phrases in 1 subject