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for [fɔ:] prep.
gen. ĉar; dum; por; pro
 English thesaurus
for [fɔ:] abbr.
abbr. force; forensic; free of tax
abbr., med. foramen
for. abbr.
abbr. forestry; former
abbr., dril. free on rail
abbr., earth.sc. foreign; forest; formation; formula
~ for abbr.
abbr. forecast (AD Alexander Demidov); readiness (to express a readiness for change Alexander Demidov)
.for prep.
file.ext. Fortran source code (file name extension)
FOR [fɔ:] abbr.
abbr. Flight Operations Review; engine order
abbr., auto. fuel of return
abbr., avia. Fortaleza, CE, Brazil; fail-operative redundant; field of regard; fuel oil remaining
abbr., avia., med. flight data recorder
abbr., busin. foreign; foreigner; forestry; formation; former; formula
abbr., earth.sc. forsterite; frontal overrunning
abbr., econ. free on rail (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. fan-out register; fiber-optic repeater; file organization routine; frequency of radio; frequency outage report
abbr., electr.eng. forced outage rate
abbr., file.ext. Fortran language source file (MS Fortran, Watcom Fortran Vosoni); Form (WindowBase); Fortran language source code file (fixed form)
abbr., IT Form
abbr., mil. Family of Operational Rations; Field-Of-Regard
abbr., mil., avia. fast operating relay
abbr., nautic. Fortaleza, Brail
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. flushing out return
abbr., oil franco on rail (way); fuel oil return; fuel/oil ratio
abbr., org.name. Forest Resources Division
abbr., patents. foreign reference (Boris54)
abbr., police Force Operational Review
abbr., scottish Family of Operations Rations
abbr., space first order reaction; follow-on operating requirement
abbr., st.exch. Fortis Security, Inc.
abbr., textile border of the seller's country; free on road
abbr., transp. Free On Rail
mil. flying objects research
mil., abbr. Field of Reduction
st.exch. foreign income (dimock)
tech., abbr. frame of reference; free on rail price
For [fɔ:] prep.
lat. Fornax (the Furnace, Печь Vosoni)
sms 4
For. abbr.
abbr., commer. Forint
FoR [fɔ:] abbr.
abbr., UN fields of regards
: 277 phrases in 1 subject