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noun | abbreviation
charm [ʧɑ:m] n
gen. allogeco; amindo; amuleto; breloko; ĉarmeco; ĉarmi; ĉarmo; talismano
fill with charm [ʧɑ:m] n
gen. ĉarmigi
charms [ʧɑ:m] n
gen. ĉarmaĵo
 English thesaurus
CHARM [ʧɑ:m] abbr.
abbr. CERN-Hamburg-Amsterdam-Rome-Moscow (Detector)
abbr., agric. Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management
abbr., BrE Challenger armament
abbr., el. charge monitor
abbr., med. Candesartan In Heart Failure Assessment In Reduction Of Mortality
abbr., mil., avia. Canadian high-altitude research missile
abbr., nautic., scient. Coupled Hydrosphere- Atmosphere Research Model
abbr., scottish Challenger Chieftain Armament, Tank weapon (UK); Composite High Altitude Radiation Model
CHARM [ʧɑ:m] abbr.
abbr., automat. CHARacterization Module (CHARacterization Modules (CHARMs) are the components involved with Electronic Marshalling that allow the ‘late characterization' of any type (AI, AO, DI, DO, RTD) of I/O signal. A CHARM is simply a component that includes a passive A/D converter and signal characterizer - http://www.emersonprocess.se/siteadmincenter/PM DeltaV Documents/Whitepapers/WP_Electronic-Marshalling.pdf Mixer)
abbr., busin. Checking, Accounting and Reporting for Member Firms
abbr., food.ind. Combined Hedonic Response Measurement (I. Havkin)
abbr., oil cased hole analysis and reservoir modeling