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bomb [bɔm] n
gen. bombi; bombo; kuglego
 English thesaurus
bomb [bɔm] abbr.
abbr. bb; bombardier
cinema A movie which is a financial disaster. Exception: in the United Kingdom, when used with "down" e.g. "went down a bomb", the term means a rousing success.
mil., abbr. bom
slang bad (The movie was a bomb)
bomb. abbr.
abbr. bombardment
BOMB [bɔm] abbr.
abbr. Bane Of Mind Blowers; Black Optimistic Men and Brothers
abbr., avia. bombardment
abbr., mil., avia. bombing, bombardment
abbr., mus. Bicentennial One Man Band
BOMBS abbr.
abbr. Bollocks, Our Mate's Been Shagged!
: 17 phrases in 1 subject