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assignment [ə'saɪnmənt] n
gen. alpostenigo; asigno; atribuo; delego; engaĝo; valorizo
 English thesaurus
assignment [ə'saɪnmənt] abbr.
abbr., law asgmt
abbr., mil. assi; assigt
law appointing or choosing someone to do something; Choosing someone to do something. Usually for: Cases - when the court uses a calendar to give or "assign" cases to judges; Lawyers - when lawyers are chosen or "appointed" to represent juveniles, conservatees or defendants; and Judges - when judges are sent or "assigned" to different courts to fill in while other judges are on vacation, sick, etc., or to help with cases in a court
law, abbr. asgmt.; asst
mil., abbr. asgmt;asgn
mil., logist. Order given to an air defense artillery unit to intervene against a designated air enemy. (FRA)
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