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Sir [sɜ:] n
gen. sinjoro
 English thesaurus
Sir [sɜ:] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. red silt
mil., abbr. S
SIR [sɜ:] abbr.
abbr., avia. safety investigation regulation; selected item report; selective information retrieve; service identification request; service information release; significant item report; simple term record; structural integrity requirement; system integration review
abbr., biotechn. single isomorphous replacement
abbr., chem. styreneisoprene rubber
abbr., el. search identifier register; self-induced repair system; serial infrared technique; set interrupt request; Sigma information retrieval system; signal-to-intermodulation ratio; source input routine; special investigation report; stratified indexing and retrieval; Symposium on Industrial Robot
abbr., med. specific immune release
abbr., plast. styrene isoprene elastomeric copolymer
SIR [sɜ:] abbr.
abbr. signal to interference ratio; Sons In Retirement; Southern Indiana Region; Spokane Indian Reservation; Statistical Inventory Reconciliation; Save Instruction Recognition; security information report (Vladimir71); Serial InfraRed (HP); Sexy Intelligent Racer; Society for Individual Responsibility; Sorry I'm Retarded; Specific Information Requirements; Spectrum Interferance Resolution; Standardized Incidence Ratio (Foxy-11)
abbr., AI. Semantic Information Retrieval
abbr., auto. supplemental inflatable restraint
abbr., avia. signal interference ratio; snow and ice on runway; special inspection request; special inspection requirements; structural integrity requirements; structural irregularity report; submission information rate; scramble, intercept and recovery; system impact report
abbr., busin. small income relief; statistical information record; subject to immediate reply; Services Instruction Report (Углов)
abbr., comp. serial infrared port (ssn)
abbr., comp., net. serial infra-red; signal-to-interference ratio
abbr., earth.sc. signal to interference ration; spaceborne imaging radar; space-shuttle imaging radar; supplemental information report; surface in-row
abbr., ed. School Improvement Review; Skill Integrity And Responsibility
abbr., ed., scient. Science Information Robot
abbr., el. scientific information retrieval (DBMS)
abbr., el., scient. Surface Insulation Resistance
abbr., file.ext. Serial Infrared (Hewlett-Packard)
abbr., genet. silent information regulator (Inmar)
abbr., HF.electr. stepped impedance resonator
abbr., insur. self-insured retention; Society of Insurance Research
abbr., IT session information retrieval; Serial Infrared; Solitaire file Bitmap graphics; Sustained Information Rate; System Internal Resource; selective information retrieval; simplified information retrieval; statistical information retrieval
abbr., law Silencing Information Regulator; Speed Integrity And Reliability
abbr., med. Society Of Interventional Radiology; Syndrome Of Immediate Reactivities; systemic inflammatory response (kat_j); standardized incidence rate (ННатальЯ)
abbr., med., epid. susceptible-infected-removed (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., mil. Self Insured Retention; Scramble, Intercept and Recovery; specific information requirement; Strategic Military Intelligence Review
abbr., mil., avia. search and interrogation radar
abbr., nautic., scient. Shuttle Imaging Radar
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. security investment return
abbr., oil salinity indication ratio; selected ion recording; subsurface interface radar; salinity indicator ratio
abbr., physiol. Susceptible, Infected, and Recovered
abbr., physiol., med. Small Instance Relaxation; Susceptible Infected And Recovered
abbr., polym. standard Indonesian rubber; styrene-isoprene rubber
abbr., scottish Search & Interrogation Radar; Singapore Infantry Regiment; Systeme d'Information Regimentaire (Battalion level command & control system (France)); Systems Integration Receiver
abbr., space serial input register; strip, inspect and rebuild; symbolic input routine; system interface requirements
abbr., st.exch. Sampling Importance Resampling
abbr., telecom. Serial Infared
abbr., textile simple item record
airports, avia. Sion, Switzerland
comp. shuttle image radar
energ.ind. scheduled inspection and repair; steam ingress reactivity
mil. search, inspection, and recovery; selected item reporting; semiannual inventory report; serious incident report; shipboard intercept receiver; simultaneous impact rate; single item release; special information retrieval; special inspection requirement; special investigative requirement; strip, inspection, and rebuild; subcontractor information request; supersonic infantry rocket; suppliers information request; systems integration review
O&G Service Instructions and Receipt (акт выполненных работ (терминология компании Schlumberger) Углов)
tech. safe integral reactor; safeguards implementation report; safety issue resolution; self-initiated review; service inspection report; short infrared; space-borne imaging radar; submarine intermediate reactor; symbol input routine
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