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Mr. [mistə] n
gen. sinjoro
 English thesaurus
MR [mistə] abbr.
abbr., O&G. tech. mixed reality (MichaelBurov); HR (MichaelBurov); hybrid reality (MichaelBurov)
abbr., vet.med. milk replacer (Oxana Vakula)
MR [mistə] abbr.
abbr. matching recorder indicator; medium reconnaissance; mine-run; marketing research
abbr., busin. marine risks; maximum reserve; memorandum receipt; mine risk; Mr Mister; Motorways Traffic Regulations
abbr., commer. Ministry of Railways
abbr., earth.sc. magnetic recorder; magnetic recording; Mekong River; meteorological range; microwave radiometry; minimal residual method; Missouri River; molar refraction; multiple representation; myrmekitic
abbr., el. magnetoresistive (sensor)
abbr., electric. mercury rectifier
abbr., exhib. material requirement planning
abbr., gas.proc. Mechanical Rotating (Equipment Fuat)
abbr., IT magneto resistive head; Modem Riser
abbr., med. Malar Reshaping (ННатальЯ); milk ring (test)
abbr., multimed. mix reality
abbr., oil machinability rating; macroreticular; maintenance requirement; manufacturing record; market research; mass ratio; matching record; medium radius; medium reinforcing; metallic materials; metamorphic rock; methyl red; minerals resources; miscellaneous report; mixture ratio; modified resin; moisture recorder; moisture resistant; molar refractivity; money remittance; monitor recorder; multiple regression
abbr., oncol. medium risk (Баян)
abbr., space manned reentry; memorandum for record; military requirement; mishap report; monopulse radar; Moon radar
abbr., typogr. make-ready
Mr [mistə] abbr.
abbr. megarad
Mr. [mistə] abbr.
abbr. Madras; March
Mr [mistə] abbr.
abbr. mister (Vosoni)
Mr. [mistə] abbr.
abbr., econ. mister
Mr [mistə] abbr.
abbr., med. relative molecular mass
tech. rotational moment
MR [mistə] abbr.
medial rectus
abbr. Majority Rule; Management Review; Marathi; Marginal Revenue; Minnesota Rules; Mr Right; Mystic River; Magic Rating; Magic Return; Magneto - Resistive (HDD); Magneto Resistance; maintenance and repair; Maintenance Ratio; Maintenance Release; Make Replacement; Model Released; macro reticular resin; midrange; Malayan Railway; Male Right; marble; Mark Robb; Masked Rom; Master of Rolls; Master Reset; material report for (eternalduck); Mature Ripening; Max Rounds; maximum range; Mcquarrie Rock; Measurement Of Red; Mecham's Racing; medial rectus; medial rectus muscle; Medical Representative; Medicare Returned; Medium Rate; Medium Runner; medium-range; memorandum of receipt; Memory Read; Merchant Republic; Mica Reactive; Microwave Radiometer; Middle Relief; Midland Railway; Midnight Reign; Mike And Rich; Mike Rich; Milk Run; Miniatures Rules; Minimum Rest; Mirror Reflector; Miscellaneous Remedies; Miss Rate; Missiles and Rockets; Mitsubishi Racing; Mixed Review; mobilization regulations; Model Rules; MODEM Ready (MODEM); Moderately Resistant; Morgans Foods, Inc.; Most Righteous; Motorized Rifle; Mountain Rider; Multiclass Ranking; Multimedia Resource; Multiple Record; municipal reform
abbr., adv. motivation research
abbr., auto. magnetic reluctance; magnetic-rheological; microminiature relay; mid ship engine rear drive; mid engine rear drive; midship engine rear drive; moon roof
abbr., automat. manipulation robot; measuring range (Technical)
abbr., avia. maintenance record (robino); mechanical rating; machine recorder; machinery repairman; maintainability review; maintenance recorder; major repair; manual reamer; manufacturing research; master record; material requirement (requisite); material requirement system; meeting room; message repeat; microwave radar; modification revision
abbr., cardiol. mitral incompetence (MichaelBurov); mitral insufficiency (MichaelBurov); mitral regurgitation (MichaelBurov)
abbr., cartogr. mooring ring
abbr., cinema Mature Readers
abbr., commer. material requisition
abbr., comp., IT Memory Recall
abbr., construct. main requirements (общие требования Eleonora6088); resisting moment
abbr., el. main rack; management requirement; manufacturer representative; mapping resolution; marine radar; mask register; Matthiessen's rule; media recorder; medium reflective; message rate; message register; message retransmission; meter reading; methanol rinsing; minimum rejection; minimum rework; misrouting; modular redundancy; modulation rate; modulation response; molecular refraction; monomolecular recombination; moving range; multicast repeater; multiple requesting; mail rename; macroreticular resin; modified READ
abbr., el., scient. Magnetic Resonance; Mid Range
abbr., electr.eng. magnetic relay; master relay
abbr., file.ext. Magneto Resistive; Memory Information Register; Modem Ready
abbr., IT memory reclaimer; memory register
abbr., law Master of the Rolls
abbr., Makarov. reticular reaction (in the Malpighian bodies)
abbr., market. marketing review (lavis)
abbr., med. Medial Rectus (muscle); modified release; mitral regurgitation (Vosoni); manual removal; medical rehabilitation; megaroentgen; menstrual regulation; // mentally retarded; metabolic tale; methemoglobin reductase; multiplicity reactivation; reticular reaction in the Malpighian bodies; Measles-rubella Vaccine; Medical Record/s
abbr., met. melting and refining
abbr., mil. Machine Room; Material Requirements; Medium Range; Military Road; Mister; map reading; memorandum receipt (имущества); Mission Rehearsal; milliradian; mobile reserve
abbr., mil., air.def. machine receipt; minimum reception altitude; mixture reduction
abbr., mil., avia. machine record
abbr., mil., WMD monitor room
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. mixed refrigerant; material requisition
abbr., O&G, sakh. media relations (Sakhalin Energy); Mixed refrigerant compressor; Modification, Repair & Maintenance Study
abbr., oil management reporting (serz); marine rig; meter run
abbr., pharma. Moderately Release drug delivery systems (Natalya Rovina); metabolic ratio (Rada0414)
abbr., phys. magnetoresistance (inplus)
abbr., physiol. Maximum to Right; Metabolic Rate
abbr., physiol., med. Mental Representation; Mental Retardation; Methicillin Resistant; Mitral Regurgitation; Muscarinic Receptor
abbr., polit. Mauritania
abbr., polym. mineral rubber; modulus of rupture; moment of resistance
abbr., procur. material review (Метран)
abbr., progr. maintenance request (ssn)
abbr., robot. mobile robotics (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., scottish Marker Ranger; Military Region; Molasses Residue or Simulated Mustard (Chemical warfare blister agent); Motor Rifle; Multi-Role
abbr., shipb. Manila rope
abbr., tech. maintainability and reliability
abbr., tel. Media routing (Yakov)
abbr., textile moisture regain
energ.ind. minimum requirement; multi-recycling
invest. marginal revenue
mil. machine records; machine rifle; maintenance requirements; maintenance reserve; maintenance review; management requirements; management reserve; manpower requirements; manufacturer's representative; map reference; marginal return; Marine reserve; maritime reconnaissance; maritime regiment; massage register; material request; maximum readiness; medical record; medium range; memorandum report; military railroad; military readiness; military regulation; military representative; military requirements; military route; minor repair; missile receiver; missile reference; mission radius; mission reliability; mission report; mission-ready; mobilization regulation; modification request; modification requirement; monthly report; monthly review; morning report; movement report; muster report
O&G manual reset value; marshalling rack; metal roofing
physiol. Maximum to right
stat., abbr. mean ratio (Alex_Odeychuk)
tech. magnetoresistor; mate's receipt; medium frequency; microfiche; milliroentgen; minimal requirement; mobile radar; moderate frequency; monitoring report; multifunction radar; reticular reaction in Malpighian bodies
tradem. Motorola
mr [mistə] abbr.
abbr. metabolic rate
abbr., earth.sc. marcasite; milliradiant
progr. Mechatronics and Robotics (ssn)
mR [mistə] abbr.
abbr. milliroentgen (миллирентген Iryna_mudra)
mr. [mistə] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. milliroentgen
: 1 phrase in 1 subject