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noun | adjective | to phrases
tuple ['tju:p(ə)l] n
comp. запис m; N-ка n (упорядкований набір з N елементів)
comp., MS кортеж m (An ordered collection of members that uniquely identifies a cell, based on a combination of attribute members from every attribute hierarchy in the cube)
IT кортеж m; кратно f; кортеж -tuple суфікс; означає - кратний -tuply суфікс; означає - кратно
tuple ['tju:p(ə)l] adj.
IT кратний
 English thesaurus
tuple ['tju:p(ə)l] n
comp., MS Tuple (An ordered collection of members that uniquely identifies a cell, based on a combination of attribute members from every attribute hierarchy in the cube)
IT A row or record consisting of a set of attribute value pairs column or field in a relational data structure
tuple: 7 phrases in 1 subject
Information technology7