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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
sword [sɔ:d] n
gen. меч; шпага; палаш; шабля f; рапіра; правосуддя m; відплата f; перерубувати
hist. булат f
law, fig. здійснення правосуддя
mil. війна f
mil., inf. штик; багнет m
sword [sɔ:d] v
gen. перерубати
 English thesaurus
SWORD [sɔ:d] abbr.
abbr. Service Work Order Requests Dispatch; Small Wars Operations Research Directorate; Submarine Warfare Operations Research Department
abbr., BrE strike and weapon ordnance delivery
abbr., ed., scient. Students Who Occasionally Roll Dice
abbr., el. software optimization for the retrieval of data
abbr., IT System With Objects Relations And Declarativeness
abbr., mil. Special Warfare Officer Readiment And Development; Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection; Scheduled Work Requirements for Depot (USAF); Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Direct-action (qwarty); System for all-Weather Observation by Radar on Drone (German-French system); submarine warfare operations research division
abbr., progr., IT SQL Window Onto Remote Databases
abbr., relig. Sharing The Word And Offering A Real Difference
abbr., scottish Short Range Missile Defense with Optimized Radar Distribution (US Army); Small Warship Operational Reconnaissance & Decoy launcher (UK); Stand-off all Weather Observation & Reconnaissance radar for Drones; System for all Weather Observation by Radar on Drone
abbr., sport. South Western Ontario Regional Dojos
abbr., st.exch. electronic transfer system for LME warrants (http://www.lme.co.uk/what_sword.asp aht)
mil. standard work ordering and reporting data system
SWORDS abbr.
abbr., avia. standard work ordering and reporting data system
abbr., el. standard work order recording and data system
abbr., mil. Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection System
abbr., oil shallow water oceanographic research data system
SWORD [sɔ:d] abbr.
abbr., mil. Sentient World Observation and Response Department (Timmy-Timmy)
abbr., oil steering while-on-rotary drilling system
sword: 143 phrases in 13 subjects
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