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noun | adjective | adverb | to phrases
sure [ʃuə] n
gen. і не кажи; відома річ; певен
sure! n
gen. як же!
sure [ʃuə] adj.
gen. упевнений; твердий; безсумнівний; безперечний; вірний; безпечний; надійний; безпрограшний; впевнений; певний (про людину, засіб, спосіб)
econ. достовірний
IT певний
sure [ʃuə] adv.
gen. звичайно; безумовно; безперечно; справді; безумовно!; само собою зрозуміло
amer. дуже
law переконаний
 English thesaurus
SURE [ʃuə] abbr.
abbr. Scalability, Usability, Reliability, And Economy; Spruce Up Ralstons Environment; Stop Unwanted Rearrangement Events
abbr., avia. stock usage reporting
abbr., clin.trial. Scheduled Use vs. On-Demand Regimen Evaluation (bajituka)
abbr., ed. Silent Uninterrupted Reading For Enjoyment
abbr., ed., scient. Student Undergraduate Research Experience; Students United For Reform And Equality
abbr., el. simplicity, usability, reliability, economy; surface Raman ellipsometry
abbr., mil. Supply Usage Requirements Estimator
abbr., mil., avia. sensor update and refurbishment effort
abbr., oil sulfur recovery
abbr., tradem. Somerset Unit For Radiotherapy Equipment
mil. sensor upgrade and refurbishment effort; subsystem replacement
tech. space ultraviolet radiation environment experiment; super-ultra-reliable
: 131 phrases in 9 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Information technology7
Oil and gas2